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SECTION B. <br /> 8. <br /> <br /> STATEWIDE LEGISLATION (Cont.) <br /> <br />Recreation <br /> <br />a. Modify proposed legislation affecting the Recreation and <br /> Natural Heritage Trust Fund <br /> <br />RESOLUTION REQUESTING MODIFICATION OF PROPOSED <br />LEGISr 4.TION AFFECTING THE RECREATION AND <br />NATUR.~ HERITAGE TRUST FUND <br /> <br /> V~EREA.S, the 1991 session of the GenerM Assembly enacled a bill that increased the excise tax on <br />land transfers by one dollar per thousand; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, eighty-five percent of the revenues from ins in'reuse on excise lax went lnlo the general <br />fund of tl0e State; and <br /> <br /> V,'I-.IERE.4.S, the Leglslatlve Study Commission on Parks and Recreation has drafted legqslafiou that <br />would dedicate the eight),-five percent of the revenue that is currently going to thc General Fund to a proposed <br />Pa~k Fund of North Carolina to be used for land acquisition; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, local governments in North Cuolina need almost one billion dollars to meet natiouM <br />standards in providing land and facilities for leisure opportunities for citizens and v/sltors; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, funding from the Federal Land and Waler Consen'atlon Fund, whkh was a major source <br />of support for State and Land Parks Systems for the last twent),-seven )'ears, has decreased consideraNy since <br />1979; and <br /> <br /> WHEREA.S, the North Carolina Recreation Parks Society has requested support for modification of the <br />proposal developed by the Legislative Stud)' Commission on Parks and Recreation to dixide the entire 1991 tax <br />increase of one dollar per thousand such that fifteen percent of the funding would be used for acquisition of land <br />Mth significant nalural heritage value, forty-five percent of the funding would be used for local park acquisition <br />and development of park lands, and forty percent of the funding would go to state parks; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the Cabarrus Count)' Parks and Recreation Department has endorsed this formula and ~s <br />requested lhe Cabarrus Count), Board of Commissioners to also supporl this proposal. <br /> <br /> NO,V, THEREFORE, THE CABARRUS COU,'NTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONER. S DOES HEREBY <br />RESOLVE: <br /> <br /> 1. The members of the General Assembly representing the people of Cabarrus County are c. adled on <br />lo support the modification of the proposal which has been drahed by the Legislative Study Commission on <br />Parks and Recreation to provide for a more equitable distribution of ~he funds from the 1991 lax increase <br />the funding being dh'ided as indicated above. <br /> <br /> 2. The Clerk to the Board of Commissioners ~s direcled lo send a copy of this Resolution to each of <br />the members of the General Assembly representing the people of Cabarrus County and Io the Norlh Cm'ollna <br />Association of County Commissioners. <br /> <br />This the 15th day of February., 1993. <br /> <br />Fr;~nl:;e F. Bonds, Clerk <br /> <br />CABARRUS COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COM.MISSIONERS <br /> <br />Carolyn B. C~rpenter, Chair <br /> <br /> <br />