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CABARR US CO UNTY TO URISM A UTHORITY <br /> d/bla CABARR US COUNTY CONVENTION AND VISITORS BURSA U <br /> MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS <br /> June 30, 2016 <br /> Changes in Net Position <br /> Figure 2 <br /> Governmental Activities <br /> June 30, <br /> 2016 2015 <br /> Revenues: <br /> General revenues: <br /> Occupancy tax $ 5,343,668 $ 4,865,215 <br /> Advertising fees 36,280 34,850 <br /> Other income 61,278 5,158 <br /> Earned interest 3,202 3,068 <br /> Total revenues 5,444,428 4,908,291 <br /> Expenses: <br /> Economic and physical development 4,584,546 4,187,724 <br /> Total expenses 4,584,546 4,187,724 <br /> Increase(decrease)in net assets 859,882 720,567 <br /> Net position-beginning 2,814,157 2,093,590 <br /> Restatement (135,633) - <br /> Net position-as restated 2,678,524 2,093,590 <br /> Netposition-ending $ 3,538,406 $ 2,814,157 <br /> Financial Analysis of the Bureau's Funds <br /> As noted earlier, the Bureau uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related <br /> legal requirements. <br /> Governmental Funds-The focus of the Bureau's governmental funds is to provide information on near-term <br /> inflows, outflows, and balances of usable resources. Such information is useful in assessing the Bureau's <br /> financing requirements. Specifically, unassigned fund balance can be a useful measure of a government's net <br /> resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. <br /> The General Fund is the operating fund of the Bureau. At the end of the fiscal year, unassigned fund balance of <br /> the General Fund was $1,602,396. The committed portion of the General Fund that relates to Sports <br /> Development at the end of fiscal year was $176,890. The Tourism Capital Reserve fund is to fund capital <br /> projects, sales and marketing, and tourism development of the Bureau. At the end of the fiscal year, committed <br /> fund balance of the Tourism Capital Reserve Fund was $1,621,041. <br /> Page 9 <br /> Attachment number 1 \n <br /> 1-5 Page 152 <br />