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CABARRUS COUNTY TOURISMAUTHORITY Schedule 1 <br /> d/b/a Cabarrus County Convention and Visitors Bureau <br /> STATEMENT OF REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE- <br /> BUDGET AND ACTUAL- GENERAL FUND <br /> Year Ended June 30, 2016 <br /> Variances <br /> Original Positive <br /> Budget Final Budget Actual (Negative) <br /> Revenues: <br /> Occupancy Tax $ 4,793,407 $ 4,793,407 $ 5,343,668 $ 550,261 <br /> Advertising revenues 25,000 25,000 36,280 11,280 <br /> Items for resale 3,275 3,275 7,127 3,852 <br /> Miscellaneous revenue - - 11,661 11,661 <br /> Interest on investments 3,300 3,300 3,202 (98) <br /> Fund Balance appropriated - 77,721 - (77,721) <br /> Total revenues 4,824,982 4,902,703 5,401,938 499,235 <br /> Expenditures: <br /> Economic and physical development: <br /> Salaries and employee benefits 1,449,878 1,449,878 1,353,259 96,619 <br /> Administration 664,430 664,430 606,601 57,829 <br /> Advertising 704,915 694,915 595,762 99,153 <br /> Events 130,500 140,500 133,695 6,805 <br /> Agreements 994,775 994,775 980,003 14,772 <br /> Sales and Marketing 880,484 958,205 893,008 65,197 <br /> Total expenditures 4,824,982 4,902,703 4,562,328 340,375 <br /> Revenues over(under)expenditures - - 839,610 839,610 <br /> Other Financing Sources (Uses) <br /> Transfer from(to)other funds - - - - <br /> Total other financing sources(uses) - - - - <br /> Expenditures and other uses <br /> over revenues and other sources $ - $ - 839,610 $ 839,610 <br /> Fund balance, beginning of year-as restated 2,560,717 <br /> Fund balance, end of year $ 3,400,327 <br /> The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. <br /> 30 <br /> Attachment number 1 \n <br /> 1-5 Page 173 <br />