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Schedule D Form 990 2015 CABARRUS COUNTY TOURISM AUTHORITY 26-2726341 Pa e 4 <br /> Part XI Reconciliation of Revenue per Audited Financial Statements With Revenue per Return. <br /> Complete if the organization answered"Yes"on Form 990,Part IV,line 12a. <br /> 1 Total revenue,gains,and other support per audited financial statements 1 5,444,428. <br /> 2 Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990,Part VIII,line 12: <br /> a Net unrealized gains(losses)on investments ...................................................... 2a <br /> b Donated services and use of facilities .._...... 2b <br /> c Recoveries of prior year grants ......, <br /> d Other(Describe in Part XI 11.) .......................................................... 2d <br /> ..............................................................._„ <br /> e Add lines 2a through 2d <br /> 3 Subtract line 2e from line 1 3 5, 444 , 428 . <br /> 4 Amounts included on Form 990,Part VIII,line 12,but not on line 1: <br /> a Investment expenses not included on Form 990,Part VIII,line 7b .............. 4a <br /> b Other(Describe in Part XIII.) .............................................................................. 4b <br /> c Add lines 4a and 4b T4�c 0 . <br /> 5 Total revenue.Add lines 3 and 4c. is must a ual Form 990 Part 1 line 12. _- 5 4 4 4 428 . <br /> Part XII Reconciliation of Expenses per Audited Financial Statements With Expenses per Return. <br /> Complete if the organization answered "Yes"on Form 990,Part IV,line 12a. <br /> 1 Total expenses and losses per audited financial statements . .. 4, 584 , 546 . <br /> 2 Amounts included on line 1 but not on Form 990,Part IX,line 25: <br /> a Donated services and use of facilities ..................................................... 2a <br /> b Prior year adjustments ................ .. ................................................................... 2b <br /> cOther losses ... ........ ................... . ................................................................... 2c <br /> d Other(Describe in Part XIII.) .............................................................. .......... 2d <br /> eAdd lines 2a through 2d ......................................................................... ............................................... 2e 0 . <br /> 3 Subtract line 2e from line 1 ._..........................1-1— 11. .. .. ...................................................................,...... 3 4, 584, 546 . <br /> 4 Amounts included on Form 990,Part IX,line 25,but not on line 1: <br /> a Investment expenses not included on Form 990,Part VIII,line 7b <br /> b Other(Describe in Part XIII.) ...................................I.....................................-.... 4b <br /> c Add lines 4a and 4b 0 . <br /> 5 Total expenses.Add lines 3 and 4c. is must equal Form 990 Part/,line 18. ......................... <br /> Part X1111 Supplemental Information. <br /> Provide the descriptions required for Part II,lines 3,5,and 9;Part III,lines la and 4;Part IV,lines 11b and 2b;Part V,line 4;Part X,line 2;Part XI, <br /> lines 2d and 4b;and Part XII,lines 2d and 4b.Also complete this part to provide any additional information. <br /> PART X, LINE 2 : <br /> THE ORGANIZATION HAS ADOPTED ASC 740-10 , EFFECTIVE FOR AUDIT YEARS ENDING <br /> AFTER DECEMBER 15 , 2009 , AS IT RELATES TO UNCERTAIN TAX POSITIONS FOR THE <br /> YEARS ENDED JUNE 30 , 2016 AND HAS EVALUATED ITS TAX POSITIONS FOR ALL OPEN <br /> TAX YEARS . THE ORGANIZATION IS NOT CURRENTLY UNDER AUDIT NOR HAS THE <br /> ORGANIZATION BEEN CONTACTED BY THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE. <br /> BASED ON THE EVALUATION OF THE ORGANIZATIONOS TAX POSITIONS , MANAGEMENT <br /> BELIEVES ALL POSITIONS TAKEN WOULD BE UPHELD UNDER AN EXAMINATION. <br /> THEREFORE , NO PROVISION FOR THE EFFECTS OF UNCERTAIN TAX POSITIONS HAVE <br /> BEEN RECORDED FOR THE YEARS ENDED JUNE 30 , 2016 <br /> 532054 <br /> 09-21-15 ScheduleAkEprym rRgA152\n <br /> 16 <br /> 1-5 Page 192 <br />