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Cabarrus Economic Development <br /> Monthly Summary - March 2017 <br /> Current Active Projects Added Project Metrics <br /> Projects In March <br /> Total Active Projects By Industry <br /> ■Manufacturing <br /> 7 15 Distribution f Warehousing <br /> ■office <br /> ■Qther/U nknown <br /> ii <br /> ■Attraction/Entertainment <br /> March Project Info <br /> The EDC received 16 new RFIs (Requests for Information) Projects By Building or Greenfield Location <br /> in March. We normally average 9 new requests per 60 56 <br /> month. We submitted sites/buildings for 13 of the so <br /> requests and added 2 existing industry projects. We could 40 <br /> not respond to 3 RFIs due to not having an existing 27 <br /> 30 <br /> 20,000 SF class-A office building that met project <br /> requirements, not having a large 300 acre rail served site 20 <br /> to submit that met project requirements, and for not sa 6 6 3 <br /> having a 200-250 acre sit to submit that met project Q <br /> requirements.The EDC had 2 site visits during March. ■Concord Kannapolis ■Midland <br /> ■Harrisburg ■Mt.Pleasant <br /> Other Project <br /> *Location may be in municipality or nearby <br /> Total Projects By Source -All Active <br /> Avg. Acres Per Project: 29 Acres <br /> Avg. Sq. Ft. Per Project: 92,407 Sq. Ft. 18 <br /> 11 <br /> Avg.Jobs Per Project: 142 Jobs <br /> is <br /> Avg. Investment Per Project: $41,834,000 1r4 <br /> 40 Projects for New Companies <br /> 7 Projects for Existing Cabarrus Companies D 5 10 15 :.a <br /> 15 Active International Projects ■CRP EDPNC ■Direct ■Broker ■ED Partner <br /> A achment nymber 1 \n <br /> .• "�� � it <br /> 1-3 4 <br />