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PART II -CODE OF ORDINANCES <br /> Chapter 50–ACTIVE LIVING AND PARKS <br /> ARTICLE II. -SEX OFFENDERS <br /> (4) Damage, cut, carve, mark or transplant any plant, or injure the bark of any plant or tree, or <br /> pick flowers or seed of any tree or plant, dig in or otherwise disturb grass areas; or in any other <br /> way whatsoever injure the natural beauty or usefulness of any park area. <br /> (5) Construct or erect any building or structure of whatever kind or material, whether permanent <br /> or temporary, or run or string any public service utility into, upon, or across such park land, except <br /> with a special written permit issued hereunder. <br /> (6) Throw, discharge, or otherwise place or cause to be placed in any body of water, including <br /> without limitation, any fountain, pond, lake, stream or swimming pool within or adjacent to any <br /> park, or any tributary, stream, storm sewer, or drain flowing into such body of water; any <br /> substance, matter or thing, liquid or solid, which will or may result in the pollution of said waters. <br /> (7) Take into or carry through any park/recreation facility any rubbish, refuse, garbage or other <br /> material, except as specifically authorized herein. Any rubbish generated in the park/recreation <br /> facility shall be placed in receptacles provided for rubbish disposal by the party responsible for its <br /> presence. Where receptacles are not available, all such rubbish or waste shall be carried away <br /> from the park/recreation facility by the person responsible for its presence and properly disposed <br /> of elsewhere. <br /> (8) Attach or place any sign, banner, wire, rope or cable, or any other contrivance of any kind or <br /> nature to any building, sign, tree or other facile propert by use of nails or <br /> staples. These items may be attached with tape or thumbtacks and must be removed before <br /> leaving the area. Language or symbols on any such sign or banner must not be deemed offensive <br /> to the general public, in the sole opinion of pa*-I pL tment and other county officials authorized <br /> to enforce this chapter. In no event will profanity be permitted. <br /> (9) Cause or permit any animal, whether or not under a person's custody or control, to enter the <br /> padepartment facilities, with the exception of a dog restrained by a leash not exceeding six feet <br /> in length for any outdoor facility. Animals that are part of an authorized program are exempted <br /> from this policy. Any person having custody of any animal, as authorized h°rrcfcRrhere shall be <br /> responsible for the removal of any animal solid waste. <br /> (10) Bring, use, ride, or drive a horse, pony, mule, cow or any other animal whatsoever in any part <br /> of the pa-rkdepartment facilities, except for commercially licensed horse drawn carriages pursuant <br /> to a county written permit, unless the animal is part of a pa*-I pL tment sponsored program or <br /> except as provided for directly above in subsection (9). Any mode of transportation propelled by <br /> an animal shall be treated as limousines for the purpose of this chapter. <br /> (11) Damage or alter any wildlife habitat or area within the pa*-facility unless undertaken by <br /> authorized park department personnel or their agents as a bona fide wildlife management <br /> practice. <br /> (Ord. of 6-17-91(2), § 3; Ord. of 6-19-95; Ord. No. 2003-02, § 3, 1-27-03; Ord. No. 2003-03, § 3, <br /> 2-17-03) <br /> Cross reference— Animals, ch. 10; carrying concealed weapons, §46-4. <br /> Sec. 50-4. -Weapons; explosives; alcoholic beverages; drugs; dangerous substances. <br /> It shall be unlawful for any person to bring into or have in his possession any weapon (or any device <br /> Cabarrus County, North Carolina, Code of Ordinances <br /> Page 4 of 15 <br /> G-3 Page 226 <br />