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EASEMENT <br /> Prepared By: Jamonica Facyson <br /> Return To: Duke Energy Carolinas <br /> NORTH CAROLINA Attn: Branch,Chris <br /> 182 Talbert Rd <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY Mooresville, NC 28117 <br /> THIS EASEMENT ("Easement") is made this day of 20 <br /> ("Effective Date"), from CABARRUS COUNTY, a body politic and political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, <br /> ("GRANTOR,"whether one or more), to DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC, a North Carolina limited liability company <br /> ("DEC"); its successors, licensees, and assigns. <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> THAT GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of ONE DOLLAR ($1.00), the receipt and sufficiency of <br /> which are hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto DEC, its successors, lessees, licensees, transferees, <br /> permittees, apportionees, and assigns, the perpetual right, privilege, and easement to go in and upon the land of <br /> GRANTOR situated in #3 Odell Township, described as follows: PINA6814991920000; containing 26.04 acres, more or <br /> less, and being the land described in a deed from Cabarrus County Board of Education to CABARRUS COUNTY, a body <br /> politic and political subdivision of the State of North Carolina, dated May 8, 2015, and recorded in Deed Book 11409, <br /> Page 163, Cabarrus County Registry (the "Property"), LESS AND EXCEPT any prior out-conveyances, and to construct, <br /> reconstruct, operate, patrol, maintain, inspect, repair, replace, relocate, add to, modify and remove electric and/or <br /> communication facilities thereon including but not limited to, supporting structures such as poles, cables, wires, guy wires, <br /> anchors, and other appurtenant apparatus and equipment (the "Facilities") within an easement area being thirty (30) feet <br /> wide (the "Easement Area"), for the purpose of transmitting and distributing electrical energy and for communication <br /> purposes. The center line of the Facilities shall be the center line of the Easement Area. <br /> The right, privilege and easement shall include the following rights granted to DEC: (a) ingress and egress over <br /> the Easement Area and over adjoining portions of the Property (using lanes, driveways and paved areas where practical <br /> as determined by DEC); (b) to relocate the Facilities and Easement Area on the Property to conform to any future highway <br /> or street relocation, widening or improvement; (c) to trim and keep clear from the Easement Area, now or at any time in <br /> the future, trees, limbs, undergrowth, structures or other obstructions, and to trim or clear dead, diseased, weak or leaning <br /> trees or limbs outside of the Easement Area which, in the opinion of DEC, might interfere with or fall upon the Facilities; <br /> (d) to install guy wires and anchors extending beyond the limits of the Easement Area; and (e) all other rights and <br /> privileges reasonably necessary or convenient for DEC's safe, reliable and efficient installation, operation, and <br /> maintenance of the Facilities and for the enjoyment and use of the Easement Area for the purposes described herein. <br /> Attachment number 2\n <br /> F-2 Page 71 <br />