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Coldwater Creek-Lake Fisher: WS-IV Critical Area and WS-IV Q rWatershed Protected <br /> Area <br /> Tuckertown Reservoir: WS-IV Critical Area and WS-IV Qom Watershed Protected Area <br /> The following requirements apply to both the WS-IV Critical Area and the WS-IV QUA <br /> Watershed Protected Area of these watersheds: <br /> 1. Unless prohibited by the underlying zoning district, densities for single family residential <br /> developments are permitted up to two (2) dwelling units per acre. <br /> 2. Maximum impervious coverage for individual single family residential lots shall be based <br /> on the zoning district used for permitting. <br /> All other residential and non-residential development shall not exceed twenty-four <br /> (24%) percent built-upon area for the site in addition to meeting the applicable <br /> minimum lot size, density, and zoning district requirements. <br /> 4. Landfills and sites for land application of residuals or petroleum contaminated soils are <br /> specifically prohibited. <br /> BE IT ALSO ORDAINED that the Cabarrus County Development Ordinance is hereby amended as <br /> follows: <br /> RENUMBER AND REVISE the Table of Contents and page numbers in the Cabarrus County <br /> Development Ordinance to correspond to the text changes as needed. <br /> Adopted this 21s' day of August, 2017, by the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners. <br /> Stephen M. Morris, Chairman <br /> Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Angela Poplin, Interim Clerk to the Board <br /> Page 3 of 3 Attachment number 1 \n <br /> G-3 Page 233 <br />