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Cabarrus Economic Development <br /> Monthly Summary - July 2017 <br /> Current Active Projects Added Project Metrics <br /> Projects In July <br /> Total Active Projects By Industry <br /> ■Manufacturing <br /> Dist ri but ion/Warehousing <br /> (:53 ) 8) ■+other/U n known <br /> ■Att ratio n/Ente rtai n me nt <br /> 6 <br /> ■office <br /> ■Research&.Development <br /> July Project Info <br /> Projects By Building or Greenfield Location <br /> The EDC received 10 new RFIs (Requests for Information) <br /> in July.The EDC normally averages 9 new requests per 22 <br /> month.The EDC submitted sites/buildings for 10 of the <br /> 11 <br /> requests.The EDC could not respond to 2 RFIs due to not <br /> 9 <br /> having an existing 170,000-220,000 S.F. single-tenant <br /> building and for not having an existing 215,000 S.F. 7 <br /> rail-served building.The EDC had 2 site visits during July. <br /> 0 5 10 15 20 25 <br /> Other Project Activity ■CRP Direct ■EDPNC ■Broker ■ED Partner <br /> • Location may be in municipality or nearby <br /> Avg. Acres Per Project: 34 Acres <br /> Total Projects By Source -All Active <br /> Avg. Sq. Ft. Per Project: 114,342 Sq. Ft. 65 64 <br /> 55 <br /> Avg.Jobs Per Project: 137 Jobs 45 <br /> Avg. Investment Per Project: $46,592,647 35 <br /> 25 17 <br /> 47 Projects for New Companies 15 7 <br /> 5 7 i <br /> 6 Projects for Existing Cabarrus Companies _5 <br /> ■Concord Kannapolis ■Midland <br /> 18 Active International Projects ■Harrisburg Mt.Pleasant <br /> A achme t nbee \ <br /> advanc <br /> 1-3 :Page.28 <br />