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Cabarrus County,North Carolina <br /> Arena,Landfill,911 Emergency Telephone,Self-insured and Fire Districts <br /> Statement of Revenues&Expenditures -Budget and Actual <br /> As of July 31,2017 <br /> Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Variance with %Collected <br /> Original Final including Encumbrances Final Budget or Used <br /> Arena and Events Center <br /> REVENUES <br /> Sales and Services $ 612,492 $ 612,492 $ 55,049 $ (557,443) 9.0% <br /> Investment Earnings 500 500 1,669 1,169 333.8% <br /> Miscellaneous/Other Finance Sources 928,837 928,837 639,837 (289,000) 68.9% <br /> Total Arena and Events Center Fund $ 1,541,829 $ 1,541,829 $ 696,555 $ (845,274) 45.2% <br /> EXPENDITURES <br /> Arena and Events Center $ 909,837 $ 909,837 $ 729,105 $ 180,732 80.1% <br /> County Fair 631,992 631,992 103,972 528,020 16.5% <br /> Total Arena and Events Center Fund $ 1,541,829 $ 1,541,829 $ 833,077 $ 708,752 54.0% <br /> Landfill Fund <br /> REVENUES <br /> Intergovernmental Revenues $ 37,000 $ 37,000 $ - $ (37,000) 0.0% <br /> Permits and Fees 85,000 85,000 8,976 (76,024) 10.6% <br /> Sales and Services 849,952 849,952 85,935 (764,017) 10.1% <br /> Investment Earnings - - 5,480 5,480 100.0% <br /> Total Landfill Fund $ 971,952 $ 971,952 $ 100,391 $ (871,561) 10.3% <br /> EXPENDITURES <br /> Landfill Operations $ 971,952 $ 971,952 $ 91,412 $ 880,540 9.4% <br /> Total Landfill Fund $ 971,952 $ 971,952 $ 91,412 $ 880,540 9.4% <br /> 911 Emergency Telephone Fund <br /> REVENUES <br /> Intergovernmental Revenues $ 876,536 $ 876,536 $ - $ (876,536) 0.0% <br /> Investment Earnings 1,000 1,000 443 (557) 44.3% <br /> Other Finance Sources - 77,363 - (77,363) 0.0% <br /> Total 911 Emergency Telephone Fund $ 877,536 $ 954,899 $ 443 $ (954,456) 0.05% <br /> EXPENDITURES <br /> Operations $ 818,010 $ 895,373 $ 412,801 $ 482,572 46.1% <br /> Debt Service 59,526 59,526 29,763 29,763 50.0% <br /> Total 911 Emergency Telephone Fund $ 877,536 $ 954,899 $ 442,564 $ 512,335 46.3% <br /> Self-Insured Funds <br /> REVENUES <br /> Sales and Services $ 12,289,818 $ 12,289,818 $ 806,115 $ (11,483,703) 6.6% <br /> Investment Earnings 8,000 8,000 11,484 3,484 143.6% <br /> Miscellaneous 80,000 80,000 955 (79,045) 1.2% <br /> Other Finance Sources - 98,610 - (98,610) 0.0% <br /> Total Self-Insured Funds $ 12,377,818 $ 12,476,428 $ 818,554 $ (11,657,874) 6.6% <br /> EXPENDITURES <br /> Workers Compensation Insurance $ 811,000 $ 811,000 $ 181,051 $ 629,949 22.3% <br /> Liability Insurance 863,000 863,000 497,992 365,008 57.7% <br /> Dental Insurance 423,000 423,000 39,792 383,208 9.4% <br /> Hospitalization Insurance 10,280,818 10,379,428 1,660,799 8,718,629 16.0% <br /> Total Self-Insured Funds $ 12,377,818 $ 12,476,428 $ 2,379,634 $ 10,096,794 19.1% <br /> 1-4 Page 287 <br />