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JUVENILE CRIME PREVENTION COUNCIL <br /> The council plans for the needs of adjudicated and at-risk youth and <br /> assesses the need for delinquency treatment and prevention services in <br /> Cabarrus County. The 25-member council is made up of a variety of judicial <br /> and public agency representatives as well as seven at-large members. <br /> Appointments are for terms of two years. <br /> LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES <br /> The board advises the County Commissioners on matters relating to the <br /> Cabarrus County Library system, including the planning of programs, <br /> policies, facilities and budgetary matters. The seven-member board <br /> includes representatives selected from the areas of Concord (one member <br /> appointed by the Concord City Council and one member appointed by the <br /> County Commissioners), Mt. Pleasant, Harrisburg, Midland, and <br /> Kannapolis (2). Appointments are for terms of three years. <br /> MOUNT PLEASANT PLANNING BOARD AND BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT <br /> This board guides, reviews, regulates land development within and around <br /> the boundaries of the Town of Mt. Pleasant and hears and decides on <br /> appeals of zoning within the Town's jurisdiction. The Board of <br /> Commissioners appoints two persons who reside within the Town's <br /> extraterritorial jurisdiction area for terms of three years. <br /> NURSING HOME COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> This committee seeks to maintain the intent of the Nursing Home Residents <br /> Bill of Rights for those persons residing in nursing homes, works to ensure <br /> appropriate conditions within the nursing homes and promotes community <br /> involvement with those homes. Members cannot be employed by a nursing <br /> home nor have any financial interest, directly or indirectly, in a nursing <br /> home. Also, no immediate family of a nursing home resident in Cabarrus <br /> County can serve on the committee. Initial appointments are made for terms <br /> of one year with successive appointments of three years. <br /> REGION F AGING ADVISORY COMMITTEE <br /> This committee advises the Centralina Council of Governments (COG) staff <br /> and COG Board on area plans for the aging within the nine-county region. <br /> County Commissioners appoint three members and one alternate to the 26- <br /> member regional committee. The appointments are for terms of two years <br /> except for the alternate appointment, which is a one-year term. <br /> TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD <br /> This board works to advance coordination between the County and human <br /> service agencies, to monitor transportation services and to advise the Board <br /> on issues related to human service transportation policy matters. Members <br /> include representatives from Human Services, Cabarrus Health Alliance, <br /> Cabarrus EMS, L.I.F.E. Center, Cabarrus Workshop, Healthy Cabarrus, <br /> 1-7 Page 298 <br />