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October 16, 2017 (Regular Meeting) Page <br /> WHEREAS, the purpose of these transportation funds is to provide grant <br /> monies to local agencies for the provision of rural public transportation <br /> services; and <br /> WHEREAS, the funds applied for may be Administrative, Operating, Planning <br /> or Capital funds and will have different percentages of federal, state, <br /> and local funds. <br /> WHEREAS, non-Community Transportation applicants may only apply for <br /> funding for "purchase-of-service" projects under the Section 5310 program <br /> WHEREAS, Cabarrus County hereby assures and certifies that it will provide <br /> the required local matching funds; that its staff has the technical <br /> capacity to implement and manage the project, prepare required reports, <br /> obtain required training, attend meetings and conferences; and agrees to <br /> comply with the federal and state statutes, regulations, executive orders, <br /> and all administrative requirements related to the applications made to <br /> and grants received from the North Carolina Department of Transportation; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the County Manager of Cabarrus County <br /> is hereby authorized to submit a grant application for state funding, <br /> make the necessary assurances and certifications and be empowered to enter <br /> into an agreement with the NCDOT to provide rural public transportation <br /> services. <br /> (G-5) Planning and Development - Proposed Text Amendment to Zoning Ordinance <br /> Chapter 4 (TEXT2017-00007) - Public Hearing 6:30 p.m. <br /> Susie Morris, Planning and Zoning Manager requested proposed changes to <br /> Chapter 4, Overlay Districts and Zones. She stated the proposed changes are <br /> related to the buffer requirements for water bodies, specifically, for <br /> intermittent streams. She advised the proposed text amendment would remove the <br /> requirement for intermittent streams to be buffered. It does retain a wetland <br /> buffer of 25 feet along the edge of the wetland. It would also maintain a buffer <br /> on ponds located along perennial streams. This amendment should provide <br /> additional flexibility for non-conforming lots. Additionally, she advised the <br /> Planning and Zoning Commission voted to forward the proposed amendment to the <br /> Board of Commissioners for final consideration. A public hearing is required. <br /> Chairman Morris opened the public hearing at 7:31 p.m. The public hearing <br /> notice was published on October 4 and 11, 2017 in The Independent Tribune. The <br /> public hearing notice was also posted on the County's website <br /> (www.cabarrus on October 3, 2017 in accordance with Article 2, <br /> Administration, Section 2.1 (Use of Electronic Means to Provide Public Notices) <br /> of the Cabarrus County Code of Ordinances. <br /> There was no one present to address the Board; therefore, Chairman Morris <br /> closed the public hearing. <br /> UPON MOTION by Commissioner Kiger, seconded by Vice President Honeycutt <br /> and unanimously carried, the Board adopted the proposed Text Amendment to Zoning <br /> Ordinance Chapter 4 (TEXT2017-00007) . <br /> Ordinance No. 2017-61 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CABARRUS COUNTY DEVELOPMENT <br /> ORDINANCE <br /> TEXT2017-00007 <br /> BE IT ORDAINED that the Cabarrus Development Ordinance is hereby amended as <br /> follows: <br /> AMEND CHAPTER 4, OVERLAY DISTRICTS AND ZONES AS FOLLOWS: <br /> Section 4-8 Intention of Waterbody Buffer Zone <br /> The purpose of the Waterbody Buffer Zone is to provide protected, vegetated <br /> strips of land adjacent to streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, impoundments, and <br /> wetlands. These buffers are retained in a natural, undisturbed, state, in an <br /> effort to avoid erosion problems and to reduce the velocity of overland flow, <br /> thus trapping sediment and soil eroded from cropland or land being developed to <br /> limit pollutants from entering the waterway. <br /> Section 4-9 Effect upon bona fide farms <br /> A-1 Page 102 <br />