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August 21, 2017 (Regular Meeting) Page <br /> Date: 8/21/2017 Amount: $3,178,527.18 <br /> Dept. Head: Susan Fearrington Department: Finance-CCS Capital <br /> p (Internal Transfer Within Department ❑ Transfer Between Departments/Funds © Supplemental <br /> Request <br /> Purpose: Fund Balance appropriated from the General Fund for unspent FY17 capital balances for <br /> Cabarrus County Schools. <br /> Account Number Account Name Approved Budget Inc Amount Dec Amount Revised Budget <br /> 00197210-9701 Cabarrus County School $1,020,000.00 $3,178,527.18 $4,198,527.18 <br /> 00167210-6901 Fund Balance Appr $0.00 $3,178,527.18 $3,178,527.18 <br /> (F-3) County Manager - Reappropriation of Funds for Ongoing Projects, Grants <br /> and Commitments <br /> Each year there are new projects, grants and commitments that need to be <br /> transitioned to the new fiscal year when they are unable to be completed within <br /> the fiscal year they were budgeted. A reappropriation of funds, via fund <br /> balance, is needed to transition the projects to the new fiscal year. <br /> UPON MOTION by Commissioner Kiger, seconded by Commissioner Shue and <br /> unanimously carried, the Board approved the reappropriation list and authorized <br /> the Budget and Performance Manager to prepare the related budget amendment. <br /> Date: 8/21/2017 Amount: 397,084.62 <br /> Dept. Head: Pam Dubois (prepared by Kristin Jones) Department: County Manager's Office <br /> ❑ Internal Transfer Within Department ❑ Transfer Between Departments/Funds © Supplemental Request <br /> Purpose: Fund Balance appropriation from the General Fund for unspent balances from FY 2017 for ongoing <br /> projects and grants to be completed in FY 2018. <br /> Account Account Approved Increase Decrease Revised <br /> Number Name Budget Amount Amount Budget <br /> 00161110-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation - 1,000.00 - 1,000.00 <br /> 00191110-9356 Special Program Supplies 8,122.00 1,000.00 - 9,122.00 <br /> 00161210-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation - 3,000.00 - 3,000.00 <br /> 00191210-9333 Safety Training and Equip 11,550.00 3,000.00 - 14,550.00 <br /> 00161952-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation 74,813.48 47,000.00 - 121,813.48 <br /> 00191952-9501 Building and Grounds Maint 916,315.00 25,000.00 - 941,315.00 <br /> 00191952-9606 Engineers 86,625.00 22,000.00 - 108,625.00 <br /> 00162110-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation 23,219.96 1,799.39 - 25,019.35 <br /> 00192110-9331 Minor Office Equipment 50,809.96 705.00 - 51,514.96 <br /> 00192110-9441 Dare Program 57,600.00 1,094.39 - 58,694.39 <br /> 00162140-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation - 3,970.00 - 3,970.00 <br /> 00192140-9317 K-9 Squad 19,440.00 3,970.00 - 23,410.00 <br /> 00163230-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation 3,809.85 70,366.00 - 74,175.85 <br /> 00193230-9605 Consultants 10,283.00 70,366.00 - 80,649.00 <br /> 00163250-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation - 33,347.51 - 33,347.51 <br /> 00193250-9315-DE Health and Safety-DE - 3,989.01 - 3,989.01 <br /> 00193250-9330-DE Tools and Minor Equip-DE - 3.54 - 3.54 <br /> 00193250-9493-DE Operations-DE - 4,783.09 - 4,783.09 <br /> 00193250-9315-DL Health and Safety-DL - 10,624.62 - 10,624.62 <br /> 00193250-9330-DL Tools and Minor Equip-DL - 1,121.00 - 1,121.00 <br /> 00193250-9493-DL Operations-DL - 12,826.25 - 12,826.25 <br /> 00164620-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation 6,402.33 9,568.37 - 15,970.70 <br /> 00194620-9414 Waste Disposal Charges 64,000.00 4,992.92 - 68,992.92 <br /> 00194620-937001 NC Electronic Management 10,000.00 4,575.45 - 14,575.45 <br /> 00165630-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation - 82,882.21 - 82,882.21 <br /> 00195630-9332 Special Needs Kids - 79,140.10 - 79,140.10 <br /> 00195630-94003 Triple P Incentive Grant - 3,742.11 - 3,742.11 <br /> 00165760-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation 1,813.56 - 1,813.56 <br /> 00195760-9356-SHIIP Special Program Supplies-SHIIP 3,000.00 1,813.56 - 4,813.56 <br /> 00165240-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation - 120,851.68 - 120,851.68 <br /> 00195240-9472-0495 Transportation Services 136,200.00 120,851.68 - 257,051.68 <br /> 00165110-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation - 805.10 - 805.10 <br /> 00195110-9355 Other Operating Cost - 244.75 - 244.75 <br /> 00195110-9355-FOOD1 Other Operating Cost-FOOD1 - 200.00 - 200.00 <br /> 00195110-9355-OTRCH Other Operating Cost-OTRCH 1,000.00 360.35 - 1,360.35 <br /> 00165410-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation 6,864.00 8,189.57 - 15,053.57 <br /> 00195410-9114-4HCAN Auxiliary Employee - 3,447.45 - 3,447.45 <br /> 00195410-9201-4HCAN Social Security - 213.74 - 213.74 <br /> 00195410-9202-4HCAN Medicare - 49.98 - 49.98 <br /> 00195410-9230-4HCAN Workers Compensation - 4.20 - 4.20 <br /> 00195410-9356-4HCAN Special Program Supplies - 4,214.12 - 4,214.12 <br /> 00195410-9610-4HCAN Travel - 205.74 - 205.74 <br /> 00195410-9640-4HCAN Insurance and Bonds - 54.34 - 54.34 <br /> 00168140-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation 37,458.63 840.00 - 38,298.63 <br /> 00198140-9445-FLP Purchased Services-FLP - 840.00 - 840.00 <br /> 00168145-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation 16,620.00 4,028.00 - 20,648.00 <br /> 00198145-9114-MISC Auxiliary Employee - 4,028.00 - 4,028.00 <br /> 00168240-6901 Fund Balance Appropriation - 7,623.23 - 7,623.23 <br /> 00198240-9860 Equipment and Furniture - 2,257.97 - 2,257.97 <br /> 00198240-9342 Minor Technology 12,500.00 5,365.26 - 17,865.26 <br /> (F-4) County Manager -Wireless Communications Site Lease at Former Fairgrounds <br /> Property <br /> A-1 Page 19 <br />