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August 21, 2017 (Regular Meeting) Page <br /> Section I and on the total revenues received or claimed. <br /> c. Copies of this capital project ordinance shall be furnished to <br /> the Clerk to the governing Board, and to the Finance Director <br /> for direction in carrying out this project. <br /> d. At the completion of a construction project, all unrestricted <br /> excess funds are transferred to the General Fund and the <br /> portion of the Capital Project associated with the project is <br /> closed. <br /> Adopted this the 21" day of August 2017. <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> BY: /s/ Stephen M. Morris <br /> Stephen M. Morris, Chairman <br /> ATTEST: <br /> /s/ Angela Poplin <br /> Interim Clerk to the Board <br /> Ordinance No. 2017-51 <br /> CABARRUS COUNTY <br /> LIMITED OBLIGATION BONDS 2018 PROJECT <br /> BUDGET ORDINANCE <br /> BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Commissioners of Cabarrus County, North <br /> Carolina that, Pursuant to Section 13.2 of Chapter 159 of the General Statutes <br /> of North Carolina, the following capital project ordinance is hereby adopted: <br /> Section I. <br /> A. The project authorized is for the construction and renovations of <br /> Public Schools. Details of the project are listed in section C. of <br /> this Project Ordinance. <br /> B. The officers of this unit are hereby directed to proceed with this <br /> capital project within the terms of the Generally Accepted Accounting <br /> Principles (GAAP) and the budget contained herein. <br /> It is estimated that the following revenues will be available to <br /> complete capital projects as listed. <br /> Capital Reserve Contribution $4,017,397 <br /> TOTAL REVENUES $4,017,397 <br /> C. The following appropriations are made as listed. <br /> RCCC - Advanced Technology Center $1,580,396 <br /> New Cabarrus County Elementary School 2,437,001 <br /> TOTAL EXPENDITURES $4,017,397 <br /> GRAND TOTAL - REVENUES $4,017,397 <br /> GRAND TOTAL - EXPENDITURES $4,017,397 <br /> Section II. <br /> A. Special appropriations to non-profit organizations shall be distributed <br /> after the execution of an agreement which ensures that all County funds <br /> are used for statutorily permissible public purposes. <br /> B. The County Manager or designee is hereby authorized to transfer <br /> appropriations within or between funds, or modify revenue and <br /> expenditure projections as contained herein under the following <br /> conditions: <br /> 1. The Manager may transfer amounts between objects of expenditure and <br /> revenues within a function without limitation. <br /> 2. The County Manager may transfer amounts up to $500,000 between <br /> functions of the same fund. <br /> A-1 Page 30 <br />