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August 21, 2017 (Regular Meeting) Page <br /> • The county will monitor ROAP funded services routinely to verify that <br /> ROAP funds are being spent on allowable activities and that the <br /> eligibility of service recipients is being properly documented. The county <br /> will maintain records of trips and services for five years that prove <br /> that an eligible citizen was provided an eligible transportation service <br /> on the billed date, by whatever conveyance at the specified cost. <br /> • The county will be responsible for monitoring the safety, quality and <br /> cost of ROAP funded services and assures that any procurements by <br /> subrecipients for contracted services will follow state guidelines. <br /> • The county will conduct regular evaluations of ROAP funded passenger trips <br /> provided throughout the period of performance. <br /> • The county will only use the ROAP funds to provide trips when other <br /> funding sources are not available for the same purpose or the other <br /> funding sources for the same purpose have been completely exhausted. <br /> • The county assures that the required matching funds for the FY2018 ROAP <br /> can be generated from fares and/or provided from local funds. <br /> • The county will notify the Mobility Development Specialist assigned to <br /> the county if any ROAP funded services are discontinued before the end of <br /> the period of performance due to the lack of funding. No additional ROAP <br /> funds will be available. <br /> • The county will provide an accounting of trips and expenditures in <br /> quarterly milestone reports to NCDOT - Public Transportation Division or <br /> its designee. Back-up documentation may be requested to support the <br /> quarterly reports or at an MDS site visit. <br /> • Any interest earned on the ROAP funds will be expended for eligible <br /> program uses as specified in the ROAP application. The County will include <br /> ROAP funds received and expended in its annual independent audit on the <br /> schedule of federal and state financial assistance. Funds passed through <br /> to other agencies will be identified as such. <br /> • The county is applying for the following amounts of FY2018 Rural Operating <br /> Assistance Program funds: <br /> State-Funded Rural Operating Assistance Program Allocated Requested <br /> Elderly & Disabled Transportation Assistance Program (EDTAP) $98,650 $98,650 <br /> Employment Transportation Assistance Program (EMPL) $41,683 $41,863 <br /> Rural General Public Program (RGP) $68,524 $68,524 <br /> TOTAL $208,857 $208,857 <br /> WITNESS my hand and county seal, this 21st day of August 2017. <br /> /s/ Michael K. Downs /s/ Susan B. Fearrington <br /> Signature of County Manager/Administrator Signature of County Finance Officer <br /> Michael K. Downs Susan B. Fearrington <br /> Printed Name of County Manager/Administrator Printed Name of Chairperson <br /> (G-6) BOC - Discussion of Lake Concord Road Bridge Closing <br /> Chairman Morris commented on the upcoming Lake Concord Road bridge closure <br /> in connection with the I-85 widening project. <br /> In that regard, Mike Downs, County Manager, read the following letter <br /> received from the Cabarrus Regional Chamber of Commerce per their request. <br /> August 20, 2017 <br /> Mr. Mike Downs <br /> Cabarrus County Manager <br /> Cabarrus County Governmental Center <br /> PO Box 707 <br /> Concord, North Carolina 28026 <br /> Dear Mr. Downs: <br /> A-1 Page 50 <br />