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August 21, 2017 (Regular Meeting) Page <br /> Chairman Morris amended his MOTION to include the requested language in <br /> the letter. Vice Chairman Honeycutt amended her second to the motion. <br /> The MOTION unanimously carried. <br /> The letter is as follows: <br /> August 21, 2017 <br /> James H. Trogdon III <br /> Secretary of Transportation - NCDOT <br /> 1501 Mail Service Center <br /> Raleigh, NC 27699-1501 <br /> Secretary Trogdon, <br /> On behalf of the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners and the <br /> citizens of Cabarrus County, I would like to express our strong <br /> objection to North Carolina Department of Transportation's decision <br /> to deviate from the original plan of replacing the bridge on Lake <br /> Concord Road (Highway 3) across Interstate 85. The advertised plan <br /> was to replace and construct while allowing the traffic to continue <br /> flowing through the affected area—a plan that would have minimal <br /> negative impacts on surrounding property owners and businesses. <br /> The Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners, Cabarrus County Chamber <br /> of Commerce, and businesses located in the immediate area ask that <br /> the North Carolina Department of Transportation reconsider its <br /> revised plan for this project. <br /> The new plan removes and replaces the bridge with no alternative or <br /> diversion bridge. Without the ability for traffic to move freely <br /> through the area the project will strain the economic viability of <br /> one of the most residential-and commercial-dense areas of the <br /> county, potentially impact public safety providers' response times, <br /> and cause additional traffic congestion on an already busy network <br /> of roads. <br /> Additionally, we have serious concerns about the lack of <br /> notification and opportunity for public feedback. Many of the people <br /> and groups affected by the unadvertised plan were only recently <br /> made aware of the change. There was no public meeting or <br /> informational letter about the changed plan and its potential impact <br /> to the area. <br /> Addressing these issues is in the best interest of our residents <br /> and businesses. We believe that the North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation will make the right decision and revert back to its <br /> original plan to replace the bridge while leaving travel lanes open <br /> on Lake Concord Road. <br /> Thank you in advance for your consideration. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Stephen M. Morris <br /> Chairman, Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners. <br /> (H) APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND COMMITTEES <br /> (H-1) Appointments - Active Living and Parks Commission <br /> An appointment to the Active Living and Parks Commission is needed to <br /> fill the "Concord representative" vacancy from Kevin Bryant's resignation. <br /> UPON MOTION by Chairman Morris, seconded by Commissioner Shue and <br /> unanimously carried, the Board appointed Charles Grimsley to the Active Living <br /> and Parks Commission as the Concord planning area representative to complete an <br /> unexpired term ending January 31, 2018. <br /> (H-2) Appointments - Cardinal Innovations Healthcare Solutions Community <br /> Oversight Committee <br /> The term of appointment for Betty Babb on the Cardinal Innovations <br /> Healthcare Solutions Community Oversight Committee expired July 31, 2017. Ms. <br /> Babbs would like to serve another term. She also serves on the Home and Community <br /> A-1 Page 52 <br />