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September 5, 2017 (Work Session) Page <br /> regarding the budget amendment; it was determined an updated budget amendment <br /> would be included for the September 18, 2017 regular meeting. <br /> Finance - Write-off of Ambulance Receivables for FU2013 - $1,037,503 <br /> Susan Fearrington, Finance Director reported that the County typically <br /> holds outstanding accounts open for the current year and three years' prior for <br /> collections. She explained the collection processes used. In keeping with the <br /> process, Ms. Fearrington requested approval to write-off invoices older than <br /> three years per North Carolina General Statute 44.51.4. totaling $1,037,503. <br /> Alan Thompson, Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Director, further <br /> explained the processes for collecting outstanding ambulance bills. <br /> A lengthy discussion ensued. During the discussion, Ms. Fearrington and <br /> Mr. Thompson responded to questions from the Board. <br /> Human Resources - Personnel Ordinance Updates <br /> Lundee Covington, Human Resources Director advised that the Cabarrus <br /> County Personnel Ordinance has been fully reviewed and updated. She then <br /> presented a PowerPoint presentation summarizing numerous updates titled <br /> "Cabarrus County Personnel Ordinance Updates" which included the topics listed <br /> below. She also responded to questions from the Board. <br /> • Main reasons for changes <br /> • State Personnel Act - no longer applicable to Department of Human <br /> Services employees <br /> • Hours change for EMS and addition of Fire Services Department <br /> • Benefits eligibility rules clarified for consistency of benefits <br /> • New benefits added (ex. Bilingual Incentive) <br /> • Current benefits reviewed and modified or new forms/processes <br /> added (ex. Application and hiring process) <br /> • Removed embedded documents in favor of links to external sites <br /> (ex. Department Of Labor (DOL) for Fair Labor Standards Act) <br /> • Time for a full update <br /> • Review Process Utilized <br /> • Updates were captured over the course of a year or more <br /> • Individual meetings held with Commissioners for initial feedback <br /> • Proposed updates shared with Department Heads <br /> • Held four Employee Forums to review select changes and answer <br /> questions from summary list <br /> • Summary of proposed changes, new sections and FAQs posted for <br /> employee review <br /> • Adjustments and additional updates made based on feedback received <br /> through this process <br /> • Presenting to Commissioners at Work Session with requested <br /> approval on September 18th <br /> • Updated Ordinance posted on the intranet for employees and <br /> supervisors <br /> • Additional training for supervisors to cover new forms and <br /> processes <br /> Planning and Development - 2016-2017 HOME Program Consolidated Annual <br /> Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) - Public hearing 6:30 p.m. <br /> Kelly Sifford, Planning and Development Director reported each year the <br /> HOME Program staff is required to produce the Consolidated Annual Performance <br /> and Evaluation Report (CAPER) , which describes activities throughout the year <br /> and the amount of funds spent on them. She advised there were no activities <br /> this year due to the project the county has been working on in collaboration <br /> with Prosperity Unlimited and other non-profits to acquire tax credits for a <br /> senior rental apartment complex project. Construction is scheduled to start <br /> this fall, and a report of expenditures will be available next year. In response <br /> to a question from the Board, she stated a public hearing will be needed at the <br /> September 18, 2017 regular meeting. <br /> Planning and Development - Placid Road (SR-1818) Right-of-Way <br /> Susie Morris, Planning and Zoning Manager provided an update regarding <br /> the Placid Road right-of-way abandonment. Ms. Morris advised that the request <br /> approved in January was submitted to the North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation (NCDOT) , and the NCDOT Board has approved the abandonment. The <br /> next step is to hold a public hearing to receive input. After receiving input, <br /> A-1 Page 58 <br />