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August 7, 2017 (Work Session) Page <br /> Brittany Dagenhart and Michelle Hubacher with Walker Marketing presented <br /> the graphic interpretation of the brand. <br /> A discussion ensued. During discussion, comments were provided by Sherman <br /> Childers, a citizen of Cabarrus County who participated in the research and <br /> development process. <br /> Stepping Up Program - Case Management Services Progress Update <br /> Mike Downs, County Manager provided an update regarding a request to hire <br /> a case manager for the Stepping Up Program at the Cabarrus County Detention <br /> Center. He advised the case manager would be an employee of DayMark and would <br /> work closely with the Sheriff and Detention Center staff to identify needs and <br /> manage care to individuals during detainment, and provide resources and follow <br /> up services upon release. <br /> Sheriff Brad Riley, Cabarrus County Sheriff's Department reiterated Mr. <br /> Downs' comments, and expressed support for the program. <br /> A brief discussion ensued. By consensus, the Board directed Mr. Downs to <br /> contact DayMark in efforts to locate a case manager. <br /> County Manager - Introduction - County Leadership Forum on Opioid Abuse <br /> Dr. William Pilkington, Cabarrus Health Alliance Chief Executive Officer <br /> and Director of Health reported on the opioid abuse epidemic locally, nationally <br /> and statewide. <br /> Mike Downs, County Manager reported a Cabarrus County Leadership Forum <br /> has been planned for September 7, 2017 at the Laureate Center at Kannapolis <br /> City Hall. <br /> Sheriff Brad Riley, Cabarrus County Sheriff's Department reported on the <br /> epidemic in Cabarrus County, and a summit held on August 3, 2017 in Mount <br /> Pleasant to begin conversations regarding the epidemic and best practices to <br /> begin efforts to address the situation. <br /> A lengthy discussion ensued. During discussion, Mr. Downs, Mr. Pilkington <br /> and Sheriff Riley responded to questions from the Board. <br /> Discussion Items for Action at August 21, 2017 Meeting <br /> CCS - Request to Reappropriate FY17 Capital Funding <br /> Susan Fearrington, Finance Director reported each school system is <br /> requesting reappropriation of funds. <br /> Kelly Kluttz, Cabarrus County Schools (CCS) Chief Financial Officer <br /> reported Cabarrus County Schools (CCS) had $3,178,527.18 in annual capital <br /> funding at the end of June 30, 2017. She requested the reappropriation of funds <br /> to FY18. Tim Lowder, Cabarrus County Schools (CCS) , Executive Director of <br /> Operations was also in attendance. <br /> Finance - Acceptance of Construction Bids for a New Performance Learning Center <br /> and High School for Cabarrus County Schools <br /> Tim Lowder, Cabarrus County Schools (CCS) Executive Director of Operations <br /> presented a request for the Board to accept the construction bids for the <br /> Cabarrus County School's Performance Learning Center and a new high school. The <br /> Cabarrus County Board of Education will be presented the bids for approval at <br /> their meeting later this evening. <br /> A lengthy discussion ensued. Issues addressed included: items cut from <br /> the school construction budget; cost; the warehouse project is being delayed at <br /> this time; a low number of bids were received for the project and were over <br /> budget; the timeline for the construction; etc. <br /> Vice Chairman Honeycutt MOVED to suspend the Boards' Rules of Procedure <br /> in order to take action on this item due to time constraints. Commissioner Shue <br /> seconded the motion. <br /> Following further discussion, the MOTION carried with Vice Chairman <br /> Honeycutt and Commissioners Poole and Shue voting for, and Chairman Morris and <br /> Commissioner Kiger voting against. <br /> There was discussion regarding language for the motion. <br /> A-1 Page 8 <br />