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D. Cabarrus County, as successor to Douglas Martin Foster and Kelly H Foster and Cabarrus <br />County Board of Education, and Kannapolis ODS, LLC, have agreed to relocate the July 30, <br />2014 Easements. <br />NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the forgoing recitals, which shall be incorporated below as if <br />rewritten below in their entirety, and the mutual agreements and covenants hereinafter set forth to be <br />performed by the parties, the July 30, 2014 Easements are amended to read as follows: <br />Grantor hereby gives, grants, bargains, releases, sells and conveys unto Grantee, its successors and <br />assigns, forever, a perpetual and permanent easement for the purpose of clearing, trenching for, laying, <br />constructing, using, replacing, repairing, reconstructing, and maintaining a sewer easement <br />appurtenant thereto, and the lands within the easement granted herein; all the above - described <br />purposes to be performed in any part of said easement where necessary, said easement being more <br />fully described as follows: <br />TEMPORARY AND PERMANENT EASEMENT <br />A permanent sewer easement thirty (30) feet in width, including 2 extended "bump -out" <br />areas, over, under and across a portion of the lands of Grantor described as Tax Parcel <br />46814991920000 (See Deed Book 11409, Page 163, Cabarrus County Registry) (the "Sewer <br />Easement ") and <br />A permanent access easement to the Sewer Easement area, over, under and across a <br />portion of the lands of Grantor described as Tax Parcel 46814991920000 (See Deed Book 11409, <br />Page 163, Cabarrus County Registry) <br />all as shown and marked on that certain plat attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and <br />incorporated herein by reference. <br />In addition thereto a temporary easement, which will automatically expire upon the <br />completion of the construction and installation of the sewer line, shall be extended beyond the <br />said permanent 30 ft. sewer easement. This temporary construction easement shall extend at a <br />width of 10 feet on each side of each boundary line of the permanent easement <br />As used herein, the term "Grantor" shall be construed to include Grantor and its heirs, <br />administrators, executors, successors, and assigns, and the term "Grantee" shall be construed to <br />include Grantee and its successors and assigns. <br />This deed of easement is executed and delivered and said easements are granted upon the <br />following conditions: <br />1. Land, landscaping, any utility and any improvement (whether existing or installed or <br />constructed in the future) disturbed by Grantee or its officers, agents, contractors or employees shall <br />substantially restored to its original condition. <br />2. Grantor agrees not to unreasonably restrict or in any manner to unreasonably interfere <br />with Grantee or its officers, agents, contractors or employees in regard to the performance of <br />clearing, trenching for, laying, constructing, reconstructing, using, repairing, replacing, and maintaining <br />said sewer easement facilities. However, Grantor shall have the unrestricted right to (i) construct <br />fencing, walls, posts, bollards, gates, speed bumps and other improvements on Grantor's property that <br />may restrict, but may not totally prevent, a reasonable means of access to the easement area along <br />Attachment number 1 \n <br />G -4 Page 138 <br />