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RIDE CHECK <br />DRIVER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION EXPLANATION <br />PASSENGER RECEPTION <br />The Driver... <br />1. Asks the name of the passenger and the destination before boarding, unless the passenger is a subscription rider. <br />2. Is available at the door to assist the passenger on or off the vehicle (if needed). <br />3. Acts courteously, offers help by asking, "May I help" or "how may I help you ?" <br />4. Follows guidance from the passenger, if help is needed. <br />5. Uses the passenger's instructions to assist in boarding and exiting the vehicle, if needed. <br />6. Stops the vehicle six (6) inches or four (4) feet from curb to keep passengers from falling off the vehicle as they <br />Load and unload. (This depends on the stopping or parking situation.) <br />7. Uses AM or FM radio only when passengers are not aboard, then only for the news and weather forecast. <br />8. Uses correct language under ADA guidelines. (Refer to the ADA handout given to drivers who have taken the <br />SNAAP training.) <br />VEHICLE CONDITION <br />The Driver... <br />1. Performs a pre -trip inspection and completely fills out the pre -trip inspection form before starting the first run <br />of the day. <br />2. Ensure registration and insurance cards are current and available. <br />3. Has driver license in possession and current route logs on person at all times. <br />4. Vehicle is clean on exterior. <br />5. Vehicle is kept clean inside at all times. <br />6. Nothing is on the dashboard, rear view mirror, or sun visors that could create a hazardous situation. <br />7. Safely attaches tie down straps into floor tracks, and use the four -point tie down on wheelchairs. <br />8. Removes tie downs from floor after each use. Stores tie down straps in their proper place. <br />9. Seat belts /tie down straps are not tangled, missing or broken. <br />10. Checks fire extinguisher for serviceability and expiration date. <br />11. Checks the first aid and Bloodborne Pathogen Kits regularly (PPE) and re- supplies when needed. <br />12. Ensures web cutter and emergency triangles are available. <br />13. Checks batteries daily to make sure flashlight is usable. (If applicable) <br />14. Tests the two -way radio and/or other communication device for operability. <br />15. Child seats are placed in vehicle properly and stowed when not in use. <br />16. Fills out daily defect report correctly. <br />17. Keeps logs up to date as trip is completed for each passenger. <br />PERFORMANCE ENROUTE <br />The Driver... <br />1. Does not slouch in the seat while driving. Arms are not on or out of the window frame. <br />2. Both hands are on the steering wheel at the 9 and 3 or the 10 and 2 position. Gets the big picture. <br />3. Clothing should be appropriate for job. <br />4. Uses seat belt correctly and requires correct use of seat belt for all passengers. <br />5. Gets out and looks behind vehicle, for obstacles, before backing. <br />6. Adjusts mirrors before leaving base (for safety and visibility). Keeps eyes moving. <br />7. Uses signals for all maneuvers in traffic. Leaves an out. <br />8. Does not jerk the vehicle when stopping and starting. Uses the brakes without stomping or slamming (stops <br />vehicle smoothly). <br />9. Presses the brakes slightly to warn tailgaters to slow down or uses flashers when coming to a quick stop. <br />10. Does not whip around corners. Slows down to 2 to 5 miles per hour when turning corners. Positions vehicle for <br />proper safe turns. (Squares the corner.) <br />11. Does not travel too slow or too fast for conditions on the road or for the posted speed limit. <br />12. Does not enter intersection without proper caution, uses the four second rule. Keeps safety cushion <br />under control. <br />13. Slows down when green light has been green for sometime at a distance. <br />04/25/16 PDFConvert. 1073 2. 1. Section 2_- _Driver Employee_Training Attachmer 6umber 2 \n <br />F -9 Page 220 <br />