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role in a major metropolitan area located in a state where the population is <br />projected to double by mid - century. Conservation planning in conjunction <br />with this project would accelerate ongoing Conservation District efforts to <br />preserve farmland and conserve soil, water, plant and wildlife resources in <br />support of a healthy local food system. <br />The conservation and urban agriculture emphases of this proposal <br />supports goals of both the Board of Commissioners and the Conservation <br />District board by improving the quality of life for county citizens through <br />the stewardship of natural resources. This project proposal also supports <br />the Countywide Farmland Protection Plan adopted in 2006 and the <br />Inventory of Significant Natural Areas of Cabarrus County. Any contracts <br />or cooperative agreements associated with a successful grant proposal <br />will be brought to the Board of Commissioners for approval. <br />REQUESTED ACTION: <br />Motion to authorize Cabarrus Soil and Water Conservation District board <br />and staff to submit an Urban Agriculture Conservation Initiative grant <br />proposal for up to $50,000 in funding to the National Association of <br />Conservation Districts. <br />EXPECTED LENGTH OF PRESENTATION: <br />SUBMITTED BY: <br />Dennis E. Testerman, Senior Resource Conservation Specialist <br />BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUIRED: <br />No <br />COUNTY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATIONS /COMMENTS: <br />This item was approved by the Board for inclusion on the Agenda as a <br />Consent item. <br />F -12 Page 333 <br />