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Communications Products Agreement <br />Lease Purchase <br />Motorola Solutions, Inc. ( "Motorola ") and Cabarrus County, North Carolina ( "Customer ") enter into this <br />"Agreement," pursuant to which Customer will purchase and Motorola will sell the Products, as described <br />below. Motorola and Customer may be referred to individually as a "Party" and collectively as the <br />"Parties." For good and valuable consideration, the Parties agree as follows: <br />Section 1 EXHIBITS <br />The exhibits listed below are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. In interpreting this <br />Agreement and resolving any ambiguities, the main body of this Agreement takes precedence over the <br />exhibits and any inconsistency between the exhibits will be resolved in their listed order. <br />Exhibit A Motorola "Software License Agreement" <br />Exhibit B Motorola Proposal /Quote dated August , 2016 <br />Section 2 DEFINITIONS <br />Capitalized terms used in this Agreement have the following meanings: <br />2.1. "Confidential Information" means all information consistent with the fulfillment of this agreement <br />that is (i) disclosed under this agreement in oral, written, graphic, machine recognizable, and /or sample <br />form, being clearly designated, labeled or marked as confidential or its equivalent or (ii) obtained by <br />examination, testing or analysis of any hardware, software or any component part thereof provided by <br />discloser to recipient. The nature and existence of this agreement are considered Confidential <br />Information. Confidential information that is disclosed orally must be identified as confidential at the time <br />of disclosure and confirmed by the discloser by submitting a written document to the recipient within thirty <br />(30) days after such disclosure. The written document must contain a summary of the Confidential <br />Information disclosed with enough specificity for identification purpose and must be labeled or marked as <br />confidential or its equivalent. <br />2.2. "Contract Price" means the price for the Products, excluding applicable sales or similar taxes and <br />freight charges. <br />2.3. "Effective Date" means that date upon which the last Party executes this Agreement. <br />2.4. "Equipment" means the equipment listed in the List of Products that Customer purchases from <br />Motorola under this Agreement. <br />2.5. "Force Majeure" means an event, circumstance, or act of a third party that is beyond a Party's <br />reasonable control (e.g., an act of God, an act of the public enemy, an act of a government entity, strikes <br />or other labor disturbances, hurricanes, earthquakes, fires, floods, epidemics, embargoes, war, and riots). <br />2.6. "Infringement Claim" means a third party claim alleging that the Equipment manufactured by <br />Motorola or the Motorola Software directly infringes a United States patent or copyright. <br />2.7. "Motorola Software" means Software that Motorola or its affiliated company owns. <br />2.8. "Non- Motorola Software" means Software that another party owns. <br />2.9. "Open Source Software" (also called "freeware" or "shareware ") software with either freely <br />obtainable source code, license for modification, or permission for free distribution. <br />2.10. "Products" mean the Equipment and Software provided by Motorola under this Agreement. <br />Motorola Apttus /Contract No. Page 1 v. 8 -16 -2016 <br />Attachment number 3 \n <br />F -11 Page 130 <br />