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AG 2015 01 20
Public Meetings
AG 2015 01 20
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1/20/2015 10:21:34 AM
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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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1) Source: US EIA 2003 Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey and US DOE 2009 NREL Commercial Building Benchmark Models <br />2) 30 and 50 yr savings represents the cumulative energy and maintenance savings minus the initial cost of the investment <br />3) Second number anticipates the payback when using third -party financing <br />"Simple payback period" is the initial capital outlay divided by the annual savings, neither one being adjusted for inflation or the cost of money (discount rate). For the <br />geothermal alternate, this would happen in 24.4 years. For the LED alternate, 10.1 years. <br />"Break -even point" is where the Net Present Value (NPV ) becomes positive, which includes both the discount rate and annual inflation in order to better represent future <br />costs and their present value. For the geothermal alternate, this occurs in 24.4 years. For the LED alternate, 14 years. <br />Payback period can also be calculated by determining when the cumulative future savings finally equal the initial capital outlay, taking into account the annual inflation in <br />utility and maintenance costs but not the cost of money. For the geothermal alternate, this would happen in 16.4 years. For the LED alternate, 13 years. <br />0 ff <br />Alwo—My S% s MOSELEYARCHI TECTS <br />AF <br />G -3 Page 148 <br />Annual <br />Simple <br />Energy Use <br />Energy Cost <br />Payback <br />Intensity <br />in $ /SF <br />Initial Cost of <br />Period <br />Total Savings <br />Total Savings <br />(EUI) <br />(ECI) <br />Investment <br />(yrs) <br />(30 yr) z <br />(50 yr) z <br />Average Elementary School in SE U5 76.9 <br />$1.84 <br />CCS Average, 2009 -2010 62.5 <br />$1.49 <br />CCS Average, 2013 -2014 L 49.8 <br />$1.19 <br />n/a <br />Lancaster ES (Prototype Basis) 55.0 <br />$1.31 <br />NC Energy Code Baseline 44.0 <br />$1.08 <br />Odell 3 -5 Elementary School - Base Bid 30.5 <br />$0.70 <br />$238,467 <br />7.1 <br />$1,986,371 <br />$6,771,969 <br />- with LED Alternate [ 30.2 <br />$0.70 <br />$40,500 <br />10.1 <br />$385,525 <br />$992,905 <br />- with Geothermal Alternate 23.4 <br />$0.56 <br />$524,000 <br />24/32 3 <br />$819,295 <br />$3,850,993 <br />1) Source: US EIA 2003 Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey and US DOE 2009 NREL Commercial Building Benchmark Models <br />2) 30 and 50 yr savings represents the cumulative energy and maintenance savings minus the initial cost of the investment <br />3) Second number anticipates the payback when using third -party financing <br />"Simple payback period" is the initial capital outlay divided by the annual savings, neither one being adjusted for inflation or the cost of money (discount rate). For the <br />geothermal alternate, this would happen in 24.4 years. For the LED alternate, 10.1 years. <br />"Break -even point" is where the Net Present Value (NPV ) becomes positive, which includes both the discount rate and annual inflation in order to better represent future <br />costs and their present value. For the geothermal alternate, this occurs in 24.4 years. For the LED alternate, 14 years. <br />Payback period can also be calculated by determining when the cumulative future savings finally equal the initial capital outlay, taking into account the annual inflation in <br />utility and maintenance costs but not the cost of money. For the geothermal alternate, this would happen in 16.4 years. For the LED alternate, 13 years. <br />0 ff <br />Alwo—My S% s MOSELEYARCHI TECTS <br />AF <br />G -3 Page 148 <br />
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