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Creative ED Consulting -2015 Give Back Winner! <br />On March 27th, it was announced that we were named the winner of the <br />2015 Creative Give Back project. Our proposal for the $25,000 in free con- <br />sulting is to develop a marketing and awareness campaign to attract more <br />females into distribution, production, truck driving, and other non- <br />traditional female jobs. This would address a workforce challenge and the <br />campaign has the potential to be replicated in other communities. <br />The Creative team will begin working with us on this initiative this spring <br />with final recommendations /next steps presented this fall. Stay tuned! <br />To learn more about Creative Economic Development Consulting: <br /> <br />Midland site chosen for Duke Site Readiness 2015 Program! <br />The Clayton Love site located on HWY 601, directly across from Corning, in Mid- <br />land was selected for the Duke Site Readiness 2015 program. This program is in- <br />tended to identify, assess, improve and increase awareness of industrial sites <br />served by Duke Energy. <br />The program includes: <br />1) Initial assessment of industrial sites (existing or potential) from the perspective <br />of a top site selection consultant, McCallum Sweeney Consulting. <br />2) A more detailed "buildability" assessment and development of conceptual plans <br />for the sites by expert land use and site planners. <br />3) For each site the studies validate as viable for a large industry, Duke Energy will <br />provide a matching grant for implementing improvements recommended by the <br />studies. <br />For additional information about the Site Readiness Program: <br />h ttp:/ /www. considerthecarolinas. com /site- readiness. asp <br />View of Love Tract's frontage along US 601 <br />February Employment Numbers: <br />Cabarrus County's unemployment rate dropped to 5.1% for February from 5.3% in January. The County's labor force was also up 1,157 <br />from January. Cabarrus currently ranks 16th in North Carolina with the lowest unemployment rate. Job growth slowed in March, with <br />the US economy adding only 126,000 net new jobs. Top Federal Reserve officials state that March's weak job growth is probably tempo- <br />rary, triggered by unusually severe winter weather in the Northeast and Midwest this first quarter. <br />Noteworthy News <br />♦ March Existing Industry Visits: Alevo, <br />Tactegra, Holiday Inn <br />♦ Margie attended the NCEDA Mid Winter <br />Conference in Pinehurst on March 10th <br />and 11th <br />♦ The State of the Region Economic Devel- <br />opment Summit that featured the new <br />EDP of NC CEO, Chris Chung & Secretary <br />of Commerce Skvarla as guest speakers <br />was held on March 13th. <br />Upcoming Events <br />♦ April 17th: Women in Business Confer- <br />ence and Appreciation Event <br />♦ April 27th -30th: Staff will be partici- <br />pating in The American Filtration and <br />Separations Society's 2015 Filtration & <br />Separation in Power Generation Confer- <br />ence in Charlotte. <br />♦ April 29th: Project managers from EDP <br />of NC will be visiting Cabarrus and tour- <br />ing buildings, sites and other assets <br />while in the County. <br />For Chamber Programs, Calendar & Event details: www. <br />7 Resource Partners <br />Municipalities <br />3 Chamber Related /Events <br />General <br />3 Charlotte Regional Partnership <br />2 Project Meetings /Site Visits <br />Existing Industry Related <br />1 Brokers <br />EDC Board <br />Cabarrus Economic Development Team <br />i <br />Patrick Coughlin, President & CEO, pcoughlin, 704 - 260 -8102 <br />Margie Bukowski, Senior Vice President of Economic Development, mbukowski, 704 - 260 -8107 <br />Samantha Grass, Project Manager, sgrass, 704 - 260 -8108 <br />3003 Dale Earnhardt Blvd, Suite 2, Kannapolis, NC 28083 <br /> Attachment number 1 <br />1 -2 Page 146 <br />