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Salisbury Rowan Community Action Agency, Inc. <br />• Identify specific improvements, or results, to be achieved among low- income people and <br />the community; and <br />• Organize and implement programs, services, and activities, such as advocacy, within the <br />agency and among "partnering" organizations, to achieve anticipated results. <br />Since the Board meets annually the strategic plan is a living document which the Board and the <br />Executive Director use to ensure that the services delivered to low- income families meet their <br />needs. The current focus of the Board is on becoming a performance -based organization <br />Therefore, the Board and the Executive Director will continue to develop strategies of excellence <br />for the organization to help them plan for becoming an organization that is cognizant of what works <br />best when serving low- income families and how SRCAA can do that well. <br />2. Describe your agency's method and criteria for identifying poverty causes and list the identified <br />causes. Also describe the methods and criteria used to determine priority and selection of <br />strategies to be implemented that will address the poverty causes. <br />Our agency identifies poverty causes by staying abreast of current literature on poverty, being <br />active in the North Carolina and National Community Action Agency Associations, attending <br />conferences, workshops and State (OEO) conferences, being knowledgeable about the <br />communities and the participants in those communities, and assessing community need by asking <br />low- income people and the agencies who serve them what those causes are. In 2012 the <br />Community Assessment process conducted (for our agency by a Head Start consultant) included a <br />needs assessment and planning process that asked not only low income individuals but partners <br />about changes in the socio - economic landscape of our counties, state and our nation. The Head <br />Start requirement for this assessment is every three years (The 2015 Head Start Community <br />Assessment is currently in process). During the last two years, one notable gap in services at <br />SRCAA is the lack of Latino participation in the CSBG program. <br />The Head Start Community Assessment conducted in 2012 indicated the need for increased <br />services to these families to more adequately reflect the county demographic populations where <br />CSBG programs are located (Rowan and Cabarrus). During the 2014 — 2015 fiscal program year, <br />SRCAA contracted with a Hispanic consultant with the goal of increasing SRCAA's ability to serve <br />the population. Several families were served and applicants continue to be waitlisted. Beginning <br />summer, 2015, SRCAA in partnership with Rowan Cabarrus Community College (RCCC), became <br />a satellite site for English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. SRCAA is currently hosting its <br />second class. This effort to reach more diverse low- income families further demonstrates the staffs <br />willingness to implement a specific strategy while addressing an element of the strategic plan. <br />Certain factors that are determined to impact poverty or change the current landscape are <br />consistent over the years. However, other socio /environmental factors such as economic <br />downturns, fluctuation in the job market, growth in various industries or simultaneous decline in <br />others, impact communities and the ability of residents to gain, maintain or improve employment <br />options. <br />Based on the Community Assessment and other methods of feedback from our participants, the <br />Board and Program staff determines and prioritize the service delivery strategies that can be <br />implemented to best meet the needs of low- income persons. <br />Strategies that have been used in the past and some new strategies to address poverty causes <br />include: <br />Fiscal Year 2016 -17 Community Services Block Grant Application <br />Page 8 of 28 Attachment number 2 \n <br />F -11 Page 294 <br />