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PROCLAMATION <br />OLDER AMERICANS MONTH MAY 2014 <br />"Safe Today, Healthy Tomorrow" <br />WHEREAS, Cabarrus County Senior Centers Advisory Council is <br />committed to the 59,603 Cabarrus County older adults and adults <br />with disabilities ages 60 and older projected as of July 1, 2033 <br />(Data retrieved from NC Data Center on January 14, 2014); and <br />WHEREAS, Cabarrus County Senior Centers Advisory Council is committed to recognize <br />older adults and adults with disabilities for their contributions and provide them <br />with information to stay engaged, healthy and active; and <br />WHEREAS, the older adults and adults with disabilities are at a much higher risk of <br />unintentional injuries and even death; and <br />WHEREAS, our older adults and adults with disabilities are active community members <br />involved in volunteering, mentorship, arts and culture, and civic engagement; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, our community can provide opportunities to allow older adults and adults with <br />disabilities to focus on injury prevention by: <br />• Emphasizing the importance of older adults to stay active, engaged, and <br />healthy <br />• Presenting opportunities for older adults to participate in healthy living <br />programs and resources <br />• Recognizing older adults as a valuable asset in strengthening the Cabarrus <br />County health and safety initiatives <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners do <br />hereby proclaim May 2014 to be Older Americans Month. We urge every Cabarrus County <br />citizen to take time this month to recognize older adults and adults with disabilities and to use <br />this opportunity to raise awareness about this critical issue of their safety to live longer, <br />healthier lives. <br />Adopted this the 21st day of April, 2014. <br />Elizabeth F. Poole, Chairman <br />Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br />Attachment number 2 <br />C -4 Page 56 <br />