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3. The County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) may be activated to direct and control <br />emergency response operations throughout the County. <br />4. Municipalities within the County may exercise independent direction and control of their <br />own emergency resources, outside resources assigned to the municipality by the Cabarrus <br />County EOC, and resources secured through existing mutual aid agreements with other <br />municipalities. Requests for state /federal government assistance are directed to the <br />Cabarrus County Emergency Management Coordinator. <br />5. Centralized countywide direction and control is desirable when one or more of the <br />following situations occur: <br />a. There exists an imminent threat to the public safety/health. <br />b. An extensive multi-agency/multi-jurisdiction response and coordination is necessary <br />to respond to or recover from the emergency situation. <br />c. Local resources are inadequate /depleted and significant mutual aid, state, and/or <br />federal resources must be used to resolve the emergency situation. <br />d. The emergency affects multiple political jurisdictions within the County, which rely <br />on the same resources to respond to the situation. <br />e. Local governments implement emergency ordinances to control the situation. <br />6. The County EOC serves as the central direction and control point for countywide <br />emergency response activities. <br />7. The primary County EOC is located at the Sheriff's Department at 30 C orb an Ave., SE, <br />Concord, NC 28025. <br />8. In the event the primary EOC is inoperable, an alternate EOC may be established at the <br />Department of Human Services Cabarrus or the Arena & Events Center. <br />B. Assumptions <br />1. The designated EOC will be activated upon the threat or occurrence of a major <br />emergency situation and designated personnel will report to the EOC within one hour of <br />notification. <br />2. The County EOC facility and equipment is adequate for coordinating countywide <br />emergency operations. <br />3. Sufficient procedures have been developed to effectively direct and control emergency <br />response and recovery operations. <br />4. Emergency operations and coordination at all levels of government will be carried out <br />according to existing plans and procedures. <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex A <br />Attachment number 2 2 <br />F -6 Page 195 <br />