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1. The Sheriff's Department controls emergency communications systems and services used <br />by the County. <br />2. The Sheriff's Department Communications Center is the Emergency Communications <br />Center. The facility serves as the County Warning Point and operates on a continuous <br />basis. <br />3. Emergency calls are generally received through the E -911 telephone service and <br />dispatched according to standard operating procedures. <br />4. Should the emergency situation become more complex, the Sheriff assigns additional <br />personnel and equipment, as required to meet demands. <br />5. The Communications Lieutenant implements emergency communications procedures and <br />activate backup capabilities, as necessary. <br />6. The Communications Lieutenant notifies backup communications personnel when <br />needed for the expansion of communications capability. <br />7. As necessary, the Communications Lieutenant coordinates transportation for these <br />personnel to and from the facility. <br />B. Specific <br />1. Telephone Service <br />a. Telephone service in the County is provided by a variety of private carriers. <br />b. The County Information Technology Services (ITS) Department coordinates <br />telephone support from service providers and will be the point of contact for system <br />repairs and modification. <br />c. The Emergency Management Coordinator provides ITS and service providers with a <br />prioritized list of County leaders and departments that must have telephone service <br />during emergencies. These users receive priority for telephone service and restoration <br />if service is disrupted. <br />2. Radio Systems <br />a. The County 800 Megahertz (MHz) radio system is designated the principal system to <br />be used for direction and control of emergency response activities. It provides voice <br />communications between all mobile units, department heads or chiefs of emergency <br />services, and the County Emergency Communications Center. <br />The principal operators are: <br />1) Sheriff <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex B - Communications <br />F -6 <br />Attachment number 3 <br />Page 223 <br />