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4. An evacuation may require substantial public and private resources for transportation, <br />communications, and traffic control. <br />B. Assumptions <br />1. Sufficient warning time will normally be available to evacuate the threatened population. <br />2. The principal mode of transportation for evacuations will likely be privately owned <br />vehicles (POV). <br />3. Particular areas of the County or special populations within the County will need <br />additional time and resources to accomplish an evacuation. <br />4. The public will receive and understand official information related to evacuation. <br />5. The public will act in its own interest and will evacuate dangerous areas promptly when <br />advised to do so. <br />6. If there is sufficient advanced warning, some residents may evacuate prior to being <br />advised to do so by public officials. <br />7. Most evacuees will seek shelter with relatives or friends rather than accept public shelter. <br />8. Some residents may refuse to evacuate regardless of warnings. <br />9. Some people will lack transportation. Others who are ill or disabled may require vehicles <br />with special transportation capabilities to move them to a shelter. <br />10. Non - English speaking residents may not understand the warnings or, if in the County <br />illegally, ignore them to avoid legal sanctions. <br />III. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS <br />A. General <br />1. Local government has the responsibility and authority to order an evacuation. <br />a. If only one municipality in the County is to be evacuated, the Mayor issues the order. <br />b. If the evacuation involves more than one jurisdiction or an area outside of a <br />municipality, the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners or his designated elected <br />representative issues the order. <br />2. The Emergency Management Coordinator monitors the progress of the evacuation and <br />modifies the planned evacuation as the situation develops. <br />3. The County government maintains continuous operations during emergency situations. <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex K 2 <br />Attachment number 11 <br />F -6 Page 258 <br />