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Public Transportation Director will coordinate with the EOC for additional drivers, <br />vehicles, maintenance and recovery support, fuel, and maps. <br />h. Each prison and detention center within the County has developed procedures for the <br />relocation of prisoners to jails outside of the threatened area. These plans include <br />procedures for secure transport of prisoners when prison system vehicles are not <br />available for the task. <br />i. The Sheriff's Department or municipal police department(s) coordinate evacuation <br />from County parks and recreation areas. The Sheriff's Department and the State <br />Department of Environment, Health, & Natural Resources coordinate evacuation of <br />state parks and recreation areas in County. County and state parks representatives <br />routinely advise the Emergency Management Coordinator of any scheduled special <br />events that may draw crowds to the parks or recreation areas. <br />Businesses within the County that have large numbers of employees are responsible <br />for developing plans for the evacuation of their employees during emergencies. The <br />procedures should include, if needed, the instructions for the temporary shutdown of <br />their facilities and operations. If the facility is directly involved in the incident, the <br />Senior Manager on the site should account for all employees and remain to assist the <br />Incident Commander as needed. Facility management should assist with evacuation <br />of all employees. <br />4. Emergency Public Information <br />For other emergencies, warnings to the public and information concerning evacuation <br />will be broadcast over the emergency alert system (EAS) network and by emergency <br />vehicles equipped with sirens, warning lights, and loudspeakers moving through the <br />threatened areas. For localized evacuations, emergency responders will provide warning <br />and evacuation instructions door -to -door in the affected area. <br />IV. DIRECTION AND CONTROL <br />A. Direction and control of any evacuation is the responsibility of the Board of Commissioners <br />Chairman. In the Chairman's absence, the Commissioner next in line of succession serves as <br />a replacement. The Emergency Management Coordinator supervises the evacuation based on <br />the guidance from the Board of Commissioners and the County Manager. <br />B. During large -scale evacuations involving the relocation of the population from an entire <br />municipality, the County, or several counties, the Governor may declare a State of Disaster. <br />At that point, the Governor assumes direction and control of the situation and the State <br />Emergency Response Team (SERT) coordinates evacuation operations upon activation of the <br />State EOC. <br />C. When an emergency situation requires timely evacuation before the EOC can be activated, <br />the Incident Commander on the scene can call for a limited evacuation to protect public <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex K <br />Attachment number 11 <br />F -6 Page 261 <br />