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2. Provides information on the location of temporary animal shelters to drop off lost or stray <br />animals, animals that that people cannot care for, or animals that need immediate medical <br />assistance <br />3. During response operations, develops a system to direct inquiries on lost pets and <br />livestock to the appropriate animal shelters <br />R. The Emergency Management Coordinator requests veterinary support, when needed. The <br />first contact is local Veterinarians and, if additional support is necessary, through the State <br />Emergency Operations Center. <br />S. The ACO supervises the disposal of animal carcasses using normal procedures. Should the <br />number of carcasses exceed local disposal capabilities, the Emergency Management <br />Coordinator requests assistance from the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC). All <br />disposal operations are coordinated with the Cabarrus Health Alliance to avoid any dangers <br />to public health. <br />IV. DIRECTION AND CONTROL <br />A. The Cabarrus County Sheriff's Department manages all activities related to animal protection <br />and control during a disaster. <br />B. The ACO directs operations using the Incident Command System (ICS). <br />C. The Sheriff's Department coordinates all animal control efforts with the Emergency <br />Management Coordinator. If necessary, the Emergency Management Coordinator authorizes <br />the ACO to conduct direct liaison with appropriate state agencies. <br />V. CONTINUITY OF GOVERNMENT <br />A. Staffing assignments for positions in the EOC allow for continuous operations. <br />B. Selection and assignment of personnel is the responsibility of the agencies represented. <br />C. Once assigned to the EOC, the Emergency Management Coordinator (EOC Manager) <br />supervises these personnel. <br />D. In the event that the primary EOC is not functional, the Emergency Management Coordinator <br />activates an alternate EOC and notifies the Board of Commissioners of this change. <br />Transportation is provided to any County Commissioners that cannot reach the EOC <br />locations. <br />E. Orders of Succession: <br />1. Sheriff <br />2. Chief Deputy <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex O — Animal Control and Protection 4 <br />Attachment number 15 <br />F -6 Page 328 <br />