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D. Notifications methods may include phone, cell phone, pager, fax transmission, e -mail, or if <br />necessary, the use of television/radio announcements. <br />VI. PUBLIC INFORMATION <br />A. CART spokesperson, appointed by the Animal Control Supervisor, will be responsible for <br />working with the Emergency Operations Center Public Information Officer to coordinate all <br />media activities and press releases in association with CART activities. <br />B. Public information responsibilities may include: <br />1. Delivering instructions to the public to prepare their pets for an impending emergency <br />and instruction for minor medical responses (first aid) for injured pets <br />2. Initiating a system to direct inquiries on lost pets to appropriate shelters <br />3. Other information appropriate to the emergency and recovery operations <br />VII. ANIMAL NEEDS ASSESSMENT <br />A. An initial animal needs assessment will be performed by CART to determine the specific <br />health and safety needs of animals. This assessment will include impact to pre- existing <br />animal shelters, kennels/Veterinarian hospitals, and the animal population of the County. <br />This information will be provided by EOC and used in planning preliminary responses by <br />CART and other concerned agencies; identifying objectives, resources available, and <br />resources needed; and identifying if additional aid needs to be requested. <br />B. If aid is requested from SART, the SART Field Operations Assessment Team will conduct <br />an onsite assessment. The onsite assessment will consist of three areas: <br />1. Animal Needs <br />a. Livestock/poultry <br />b. Small animal <br />c. Exotic /wildlife <br />2. Safety Issues <br />a. Hazardous rescue conditions <br />b. Dangerous animals or compromised handling situation/facilities <br />c. Potential disease outbreaks <br />d. Other safety issues <br />Cabarrus County EOP — Annex O — Animal Control and Protection 8 <br />Attachment number 15 <br />F -6 Page 332 <br />