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Five Year Financial Plan C (reduce tax rate 3.5 cents over two years;. revenue neutral less one cent in FY17, <br />adds $7 m to capital reserve; $9.1 in in FYI and $3.4 m in FYI in cuts, reduction in debt svc used for capital expenses) 3/28114 <br />GENERALFUND <br />Budcteted Revenues for: <br />2014 <br />Amen. Budget less 1dime rev. from the <br />49,088,559 <br />previous fiscal year <br />191 ,835, _332 <br />Ad valorem <br />21.99% <br />Change resulting from Revaluation <br />- <br />GrowthlDecline in tax base <br />2,780,813 <br />Change in tax rate (Reval Rev Neutral -.01 cent) <br />.63401100 <br />Improvement in DMV collections rate 5% <br />42,359,335 <br />Other Taxes <br />41,297,446 <br />Growth in Sales taxes 2.25 %per year Inc <br />3,350,847 <br />114 cent sales taxledu. Cap. Proj. 2.25% inc <br />1,957,211 <br />Permits & Fees <br />20.51 %d___ <br />Ambulance Fees <br />145,805 <br />Building Inspection Fees <br />671,804 <br />Register of Deeds Fees <br />405,800 <br />Other <br />QSCB Subsidy Payments <br />(67,070) <br />Increase (Decrease) in other Revenues <br />2,319,797 <br />Total Re- occurring Revenues <br />203.400,339 <br />One Time Revenue Sources <br />Proceeds fr DIv1V change (4 mo, add rev.) <br />2,467,049 <br />COPs Proceeds - School Debt/Housing Unit <br />2,681,834 <br />Lottery Proceeds <br />4,911,790 <br />Fund Balance Appropriated <br />- <br />Total Cane -time Revenues <br />10,060,673 <br />Total Revenues <br />213,461,012 <br />Amen. Budget less 1 -time exp. from the <br />previous fiscal year <br />County Services <br />Personnel Inc. due to service expansionlreali. <br />Increases in Health Insurance <br />Benefits part-time empl. (Health Care Reform) <br />Inc. in Merits for County Staff (increase to 4% cap) <br />Oper. (mist., not captured in other categ.)" <br />Debt <br />Retirement of Debt Service <br />Schools <br />Qualified School Construction Bonds <br />Debt Svc. for Cap. Needs (90.8 mil. 2% inc.) <br />Other <br />Fulfilled /Added Econ Dev Incentive Grants <br />Obligation to Kannapolis (TIF) <br />Increase to schools for salaries <br />Incr. in curr. Exp. for supplements (1.5 %) <br />Incr. in curr. Exp. for growth In ADM & maint. <br />Incr. to KCS If school nurses not in ADM talc <br />New School operational cost <br />Increase In Contribution to Health Alliance <br />Decrease in Contribution to Arena Fund <br />Increase to EDC <br />Increase (Decrease) in Contingency <br />Additional cuts per Commissioner Oesterreich's plan <br />Total Re- occuring Expenditures <br />trap. improv. Tian - ter- monies tau. <br />Capital Reserve Additions for Schools <br />Contribution to State Unemployment Fund <br />Total CapitalfOne -lime Expenditures <br />Total Expenditures <br />Revenues over(under)Expenditures <br />Estimated Unassigned Fund Balance <br />as percentage of General Fund Budget <br />Property Tax Rate <br />Total Debt Service Payments <br />as a % of Current Budget_ <br />200,226,468 <br />1,967,134 <br />907,698 <br />23,946 <br />1,01.3,852 <br />662,060 <br />(246,921) <br />(777,256) <br />1,151,217 <br />44,000 <br />1,433,094 <br />138,891 <br />679,330 <br />25,450 <br />658,756 <br />(91,554) <br />20,000 <br />1,198,936 <br />209,035,101 <br />4,203,000 <br />4,425,911 <br />3.461.012 <br />2015 <br />203,841,187 <br />2,417,738 <br />(2,791,470) <br />739,918 <br />148,505 <br />60,236 <br />125,000 <br />69,300 <br />(1,248,957) <br />203,361,457 <br />2,200,000 <br />207,901,085 <br />88,887 <br />234,000 <br />(2.004,428) <br />(262.333) <br />(786,818) <br />279,783 <br />43,700 <br />2,096,020 <br />(300,000) <br />(804,028) <br />(9,144,411) <br />197,341,457 <br />1,220,000 <br />7,000,000 <br />8,220,000 <br />2016 <br />203,361,457 <br />2,357, 544 <br />(3,790,793) <br />758,416 <br />152,218 <br />46,705 <br />97,875 <br />72,692 <br />203,056,114 <br />2,000,000 <br />197,341,457 <br />215,882 <br />506,380 <br />715,463 <br />(45,405) <br />(275,216) <br />(1,067,522) <br />1,330,000 <br />(896,380) <br />3,300 <br />Revaluation Year <br />2017 <br />203,056,114 <br />6,436,177 <br />2,506,579 <br />(6,292,610) <br />777,377 <br />156,023 <br />47,172 <br />102,279 <br />75,600 <br />206,864,711 <br />2,000,000 <br />195,774,225 <br />9,128 <br />541,827 <br />726,195 <br />(395,621) <br />(1,093,139) <br />2018 <br />206,864,711 <br />2,561,770 <br />796,811 <br />159,924 <br />47,644 <br />106,882 <br />78,624 <br />210,616,366 <br />2,000,000 <br />194,096,670 <br />9,402 <br />579,754 <br />737,088 <br />(283,942) <br />(1,123,669) <br />(1,464 „570) 74,600 <br />(1,375) 1,625 <br />1,363,636 <br />(3 „417,370) <br />195, 774, 225 194.0 96.670 194, 091.5 <br />1,220,000 <br />8,061,889 <br />9,281,889 <br />5.056.114 <br />1,220,000 1,220,000 <br />9,550,649 10,958,260 <br />10,770,649 12,178,260 <br />0 - - 3,997,352 6,346,578 <br />45,091,167 <br />45,091,167 <br />45,091,167 <br />49,088,559 <br />55,435,137 <br />21.12% <br />21.94% <br />21.99% <br />23.96 % <br />26.88% <br />.70)100 <br />.685/100 <br />.6651 109 <br />.63401100 <br />.63401100 <br />42,359,335 <br />41,310,184 <br />41,297,446 <br />39,808,686 <br />38,401,075 <br />_20.26 % <br />20.93 %0 <br />21.09 %fl <br />20.51 %d___ <br />_ 19AWG <br />2019 <br />210,616,366 <br />2,614,593 <br />81 6,731 <br />163,922 <br />48,121 <br />111,692 <br />81,769 <br />214,453,194 <br />2,000,oali <br />2,000,000 <br />216,453,194 <br />194,091,528 <br />9,684 <br />620,337 <br />748,144 <br />It <br />191511,505 <br />1,220,000 <br />12,913,823 <br />14,133,823 <br />207,645,328 <br />8,807;856 <br />64,243,003 <br />30.94 % <br />.63401100 <br />36, 445, 512 <br />numberl$.83% <br />G -3 Pageg0d(3 <br />