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(G) Oil, Gas, or Mineral Exploration and Extraction — Mining or extraction of soil, sand, gravel, <br />oil, natural gas, fuel, coal, or any other mineral substance owned by Grantor as of the date of this <br />Agricultural Land Easement or later acquired by Grantor, using any surface mining, subsurface <br />mining, or dredging method, from [Insert Defined Term for Parcel] is prohibited, except for <br />limited mining activities to the extent that the materials mined (e.g. sand, gravel, or shale) are <br />used for agricultural operations on the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel]. In the case of this <br />limited mining for materials used for agricultural operations, extraction must be limited to a <br />small, defined area or acreage identified in EXHIBIT and may not harm the conservation <br />values or the agricultural uses of the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel]. <br />[Beginning of Alternate Oil and Gas Language: The following may be inserted if Grantee <br />chooses to allow oil and gas exploration and extraction as an alternative to a complete <br />prohibition on oil or gas exploration and extraction on the Parcel: Oil and gas exploration and <br />extraction on the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel] is permitted if approved by Grantee in <br />accordance with this Paragraph (H), and if such exploration and extraction of oil and gas is: <br />(i) not accomplished by any surface mining method; <br />(ii) accomplished by a method of extraction that has no more than a limited and localized <br />impact that does not harm the conservation values of the [Insert Defined Term for <br />Parcel], including but not li 'ted to the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel]'s use for <br />agriculture; 11 <br />(iii) within the impervious surface limits of the Agricultural Land Easement; <br />(iv) subject to the Agricultural Land Easement Plan that includes provisions for oil and <br />gas exploration and extraction. The exploration and extraction provisions must address <br />the timing, location, and intensity of oil and gas exploration and extraction and associated <br />activities, including, but not limited to, the construction and use of production facilities, <br />roads, and pipelines to ensure oil and gas exploration and extraction and associated <br />activities do not interfere with the conservation values of the [Insert Defined Term for <br />Parcel], including but not limited to the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel]'s use for <br />agriculture; and <br />(v) carried out in accordance with all Federal, state, and local regulations. <br />Any mineral leases or other conveyances of minerals entered into after the date of this ALE Deed <br />are subordinate to the terms of this ALE Deed. Grantor agrees that Grantee must approve in <br />advance in writing any lease or agreement pertaining to use of the surface of the [Insert Defined <br />Term for Parcel] for mining, between Grantor and owners or lessees of minerals (including oil <br />and gas), which approval Grantee may withhold in its discretion if it determines that the proposed <br />surface use is not consistent with the conservation values of the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel], <br />including but not limited to the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel]'s use for agriculture <br />[Alternatively: grazing uses or restoration and conservation] or is not consistent with the <br />terms of this paragraph. <br />Impervious surfaces as defined in [Insert Citation to Impervious Surface Limitation] of this <br />Easement shall include any surface disturbance or impervious surfaces associated with oil and gas <br />exploration and extraction associated with uses permitted by this paragraph. If Grantee approves <br />Page 8 of 16 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F -7 Page 205 <br />