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(G) Grassland Uses of the Property - Grantors are allowed to graze, hay, harvest for hay and non- <br />crop seed production, mow, construct fire breaks, conduct fire pre - suppression and rehabilitation <br />activities, and conduct common grazing practices, including maintenance and necessary cultural <br />practices, consistent with the provisions and conservation purposes of this ALE Deed. As used in <br />this ALE Deed, the term "common grazing practices" means those practices customary to the <br />region where the Property is located related to livestock grazing, and includes forage management <br />and necessary cultural practices such as the infrastructure required Zbee estock grazing <br />on the Property. Grantors shall not hay, mow or harvest for seed desting seasons <br />for birds whose populations are in significant decline as identified r NRCS. Such <br />determ inations shall be made in writing to the Grantors, or set forth ricultural Land <br />Easement Plan for the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel]. <br />(H) Other Allowed Uses — Other uses may be allowed if they, not harm the a 1 al use and <br />future viability [Alternatively restoration and conservatiqv grassland, grazi ], and <br />related conservation values of the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel], are consistel with the <br />purposes of the ALE, and approved in advance by Grantee. <br />]If Land Eligibility is based on the presence of historical or archaeological resources or the project <br />received ranking points for the multifunctional benefits of agricultural land protection for historical <br />and archaeological resources] <br />6. Historic or Archaeological Resources. Existing archaeologically, culturally or historically significant <br />features on the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel] including, but not limited to, such features as documented <br />in the Baseline Documentation shall be maintained consistent with the guidelines provided in The <br />Secretary of Department of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties pursuant to <br />36 CFR 68, as amended. The up -to -date version of such guidelines shall be maintained by Grantee in the <br />Baseline Documentation and made available to Grantor upon request. The archaeologically, culturally, or <br />historically significant features may not be altered or removed without Grantee's prior written approval, <br />which approval shall not be given except where the proposed activity is accomplished in accordance with <br />the guidelines provided in The Secretary of The Department of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment <br />of Historic Properties. ,"_ <br />1. United States Right of Enforcement. Under this Agricultural Land Easement, the United States <br />is granted the right of enforcement in order to protect the public investment. The Secretary of the United <br />States Department of Agriculture (the Secretary) or his or her assigns, on behalf of the United States, may <br />exercise this right of enforcement under any authority available under State or Federal law if the Grantee, <br />or its successors or assigns, fails to enforce any of the terms of this Agricultural Land Easement, as <br />determined in the sole discretion of the Secretary. <br />The United States is entitled to recover any and all administrative and legal costs from the Grantee and/or <br />the Grantor, including attorney's fees or expenses, associated with any enforcement or remedial action <br />related to the enforcement of this Easement. <br />2. United States Right of Inspection. The United States will have reasonable access to the <br />Property and may enter the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel] from time to time for purposes of inspection <br />(including photographic documentation of the condition of the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel]), <br />monitoring compliance with the Agricultural Land Easement Plan and enforcement of the terms of this <br />Page 11 of 16 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F -7 Page 208 <br />