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5. Extinguishment and Condemnation. This Agricultural Land Easement vests a right of <br />enforcement in the United States and additional real property interests in the Grantee. These rights may <br />only be extinguished with the necessary approval of the Grantee and the United States, as specified in this <br />Agricultural Land Easement. Due to the Federal interest in this Agricultural Land Easement, the United <br />States must consent to any condemnation action affecting the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel]. If any <br />entity with condemnation authority (condemning agency) proposes to condemn the [Insert Defined Term <br />for Parcel], NRCS must be notified immediately by the condemning agency and grantee ,gnd the consent <br />of the United States must be received by the condemning agency before any condemnation action may <br />proceed with respect to the federal interest in this Agricultural Land Easement. <br />The Grantee and the United States stipulate to have a fair market value of percent ( %), <br />hereinafter the "Proportionate Share," of the fair market value of the Property unencumbered by this <br />Agricultural Land Easement. The Proportionate Share has been determined at the time of conveyance of <br />this Agricultural Land Easement by dividing the fair market value of this Agricultural Land Easement <br />($ by the fair market value of the Property without this Agricultural Land Easement ($ <br />The Proportionate Share will remain constant over time. <br />If this Agricultural Land Easement is extinguished, terminated, or condemned, in whole or in part, then <br />the Grantor must reimburse Grantee and the United States an amount equal to the Proportionate Share of <br />the fair market value of the Property unencumbered by this Agricultural Land Easement. The fair market <br />value of the Agricultural Land Easement will be determined at the time this Agricultural Land Easement <br />is terminated, extinguished, or condemned by an appraisal that meets the Uniform Standards of <br />Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) or Uniform Acquisition Standards or Federal Land Acquisition <br />(UASFLA) that is completed by a certified general appraiser and approved by the Grantee and the United <br />States. <br />1 , . ter <br />The Proportionate Share paid to the Grantee and the United States must be allocated as follows: (a) to the <br />Grantee or its designee, percent ( %) of the Proportionate Share; and (b) to the United <br />States percent (_%) of the Proportionate Share, representing the proportion each party <br />contributed to the purchase price of this Agricultural Land Easement. The Proportionate Share of the <br />Grantee also includes p ercent ( %) of the appraised value of this Agricultural Land Easement, <br />donated by the Grantor to the Grantee, if any. Until such time as the Grantee and the United States <br />receive the Proportionate Share from the Grantor or the Grantor's successor or assign, the Grantee and the <br />United States each have a lien against the Property for the amount of the Proportionate Share due each of <br />them. The Grantee or its designee must use its allocation of the Proportionate Share in a manner <br />consistent with the conservation purposes of the Agricultural Land Easement. If proceeds from <br />termination, extinguishment, or condemnation are paid directly to Grantee, the Grantee must reimburse <br />the United States for the amount of the Proportionate Share due to the United States. <br />Amendment. This Agricultural Land Easement may be amended only if, in the sole and exclusive <br />judgment of the Grantee and United States, by and through the Chief of NRCS, such amendment is <br />consistent with the purposes of this Agricultural Land Easement and complies with all applicable laws <br />and regulations. The Grantee must provide timely written notice to the Chief of NRCS of any proposed <br />amendment(s). Prior to the signing and recordation of the amended Agricultural Land Easement, such <br />amendment(s) must be mutually agreed upon by the Grantee, Grantor, and United States, by and through <br />the Chief of NRCS. The Grantee must provide to the Chief of NRCS timely written notice of the <br />proposed amendment. Any purported amendment that is recorded without the prior approval of the <br />United States will considered null and void. <br />Page 13 of 16 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F -7 Page 210 <br />