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XIII. Disbursements: <br />As a condition of this Contract, the Grantee acknowledges and agrees to make disbursements in accordance with <br />the following requirements: <br />a. Implement adequate internal controls over disbursements <br />b. Pre -audit all vouchers presented for payment to determine: <br />• Validity and accuracy of payment <br />• Payment due date <br />• Adequacy of documentation supporting payment <br />• Legality of disbursement <br />c. Assure adequate control of signature stamps/plates <br />d. Assure adequate control of negotiable instruments; and <br />e. Implement procedures to insure that account balance is solvent and reconcile the account monthly. <br />XIV. Outsourcing: <br />The Grantee certifies that it has identified to the Agency all jobs related to the Contract that have been outsourced <br />to other countries, if any. Grantee further agrees that it will not outsource any such jobs during the term of this <br />Contract without providing prior notice to the Agency. <br />XV. N.C.G.S. §'133 -32 and Executive Order 24: <br />N.C.G.S. § 133 -32 and Executive Order 24 prohibit the offer to, or acceptance by„ any State employee of any gift <br />from anyone with a Contract with the State, or from any person seeking to do business with the State. By <br />execution of any response in this procurement or Contract, you attest, for your entire organization and its <br />employees or agents, that you are not aware that any such gift has been offered, accepted, or promised by any <br />employee of your organization. <br />Attachment number 2 <br />NCDA &C5 (Gov't Contract Cover — State Funds) Eff. Date: 1112, Re \FZtfl2, 8112, 9112, 10112 P of 12 <br />