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Greetings, <br />It seems as if everything continues to improve as we complete another year of the Active Living and Parks <br />Department. There are more folks visiting the Parks, the Centers, the Programs, the Special Events, and <br />especially the use of the newly renovated Fitness Room at the Concord Senior Center. <br />The Concord Senior Center Fitness Room and two classrooms were renovated and a Dance Room and ADA <br />accessible restrooms were added to the center over the winter. There was a dedication ceremony Friday, <br />May 2, 2014 with over 250 in attendance. Since opening, more than 200 have completed the Fitness Room <br />Orientation. <br />The Cabarrus Rotary Club built and paid for an eighteen hole Disc Golf Course at Frank Liske Park. It <br />officially opened Saturday, May 31, 2014 with over 250 in attendance. The course stays busy and is an <br />excellent source of exercise while having fun. The course is 7,664' in length providing approximately 2 <br />miles of walking up and down hills in the course of "play ". One more way the Department is trying to <br />combat obesity. <br />The Active Living and Parks Department continues to take pride in enhancing the quality of life for all <br />involved from senior centers to parks to school parks to dances or whatever fits your definition of quality of <br />life. <br />In keeping with the National Parks and Recreation theme for the year "Out Is In," Get out and play! <br />With Warmest Regards, <br />afia6� 0 (wv <br />Active Living and Parks Director <br />Our Volunteers <br />The Active Living and Parks Department is all about people. Our dedicated volunteers logged 10,519 <br />hours logged. Based on the Independent Sectors Value of Volunteers, the hours equate to $221,319 to <br />Cabarrus County. Not only do the volunteers save money but offer much needed services that otherwise <br />would not be possible. Each year volunteers are recognized for their dedication and service. <br />r <br />1 <br />