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LI R M461 <br />ACEP -ALE Appraisal Specifications and Scope <br />3. The technical reviewer is not assigned to the appraisal until it is received from the eligible <br />entity. <br />4. The technical reviewer may contact the appraiser for clarification and minor corrections. <br />5. The appraisal will be returned through NRCS to the eligible entity if significant changes <br />are necessary requiring a supplemental appraisal report as discussed in section H below. <br />The technical reviewer will provide a technical appraisal review report not approving the <br />appraisal and identifying the corrections or additions needed. <br />6. The technical reviewer will be available to the appraiser to assist in obtaining an <br />acceptable appraisal report. <br />7. The supplemental appraisal report will be subject to a subsequent review. <br />H. Format for Supplemental Appraisal Reports <br />Supplements or amendments to appraisal reports, such as for updating value estimates or <br />effective date of value, changes in acreage, additional support or explanation, or to correct <br />a previous appraisal report, must be referenced for incorporation with the original report in <br />accordance with USPAP. The following format is recommended. All items must be <br />addressed. <br />a. Title Page. — Include the same information as on the original appraisal report. <br />Label the report as a "Supplemental Appraisal Report to the Appraisal Report <br />for " <br />b. Summary of Facts. — Include: <br />1. Owner's name or other identification of the property <br />2. Client's name <br />3. Size <br />4. Highest and best use <br />5. New opinion of value <br />6. Valuation date <br />a. Effective date of the original report or <br />b. The date of the new inspection for updating the effective date. <br />Summary of Original Appraisal. —Cite the date and value opinion from the <br />40riginal appraisal. If previous updates have been made since the original <br />appraisal, cite value opinions and value dates from all updates as well as the <br />original appraisal. <br />d. Changes. — Explain the reason for the appraisal supplement such as, to update <br />an opinion of value due to survey acres, new effective date, amend a previous <br />appraisal report, add additional support or explanation, or other. <br />e. New Opinion of Value.— Discuss the changes that have occurred since the <br />original appraisal. Discuss the method used to update the opinion of value and <br />cite the evidence or analysis of trends that support the updated value opinion. <br />Conclude with a statement of the new opinion of value and the valuation date <br />ef WI is the effective date of the original report or the new effective date, <br />followed by the contract appraiser's signature. <br />Certification as required in section F(b)(A)(4) of this exhibit. <br />. g. Addenda. Include sales data detail for new sales cited, summaries of data and <br />trend analyses, maps of sales analyzed, and any other information relied upon <br />but not included in the text. <br />h. Binding.If the supplemental appraisal report comprises more than four pages, <br />it must be bound in durable report cover with appropriate identification. <br />i. Electronic Copy. —An electronic copy of the supplemental report will be <br />provided along with the hardcopy. <br />14 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F -7 Page 195 <br />