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EXHIBIT 7 <br />MINIMUM TERMS FOR AGRICULTURAL LAND EASEMENTS <br />FISCAL YEAR 2014 FUNDED <br />AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION EASEMENT PROGRAM <br />COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT <br />1) When these terms are appended as an exhibit to the Agricultural Land Easement deed, as opposed to <br />being inserted directly into an Agricultural Land Easement deed, this paragraph will be inserted at the <br />bottom of the ACEP funded Agricultural Land Easement deed immediately before the signature pages: <br />The Agricultural Land Easement is acquired with funds provided, in part, by the Agricultural <br />Conservation Easement Program ( "ACEP ") under Cooperative Agreement Number [## - # ###- <br />##-##] dated [Date of Cooperative Agreement] between the [Cooperating Entity Name(s)] <br />and the United States of America (the United States), by and through the Commodity Credit <br />Cooperation and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS), United States Department <br />of Agriculture (USDA). As required by 16 U.S.C. § 3865 et seq and as a condition of receiving <br />ACEP funds, all present and future use of the [Insert Defined Term for Parcel] identified in <br />EXHIBIT (legal description or survey) is and shall remain subject to the terms and <br />conditions described in the Minimum Terms For Agricultural Land Easements in EXHIBIT <br />which is appended to and made a part of this easement deed. The terms and conditions described <br />in the Minimum Terms For Agricultural Land Easements shall run with the land in perpetuity. <br />The Minimum Terms For Agricultural Land Easements, the easement deed, and all exhibits to <br />each, shall be collectively referred to as the Agricultural Land Easement or this Deed. In the event <br />a discrepancy arises between the Minimum Terms For Agricultural Land Easements and the <br />easement deed, the terms of the Minimum Terms For Agricultural Land Easements control. <br />2) A fully executed copy of the Exhibit below must be attached to the ACEP funded Agricultural Land <br />Easement Deed at the time of closing and recordation: <br />EXHIBIT <br />MINIMUM TERMS FOR AGRICULTURAL LAND EASMENTS <br />The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program facilitated and provided funding through a Cooperative <br />Agreement for the purchase of an Agricultural Land Easement (the Agricultural Land Easement) on real <br />property described in Exhibit (the Property) for the purpose of protecting the agricultural use and <br />future viability, and related conservation values, of the Property by limiting nonagricultural uses of the <br />Property [Alternatively: protecting grazing uses and related conservation values by restoring and <br />conserving the Property.] A copy of the Cooperative Agreement is kept on file at the offices of NRCS <br />at, and at the offices of the [Cooperating Entity Name(s)], <br />The [LANDOWNER NAME(s)], (collectively Grantor); the [COOPERATING ENTITY NAME(S)] <br />(collectively Grantee) and the United States of America (the United States), acting by and through the <br />United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS) on <br />behalf of the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), jointly referred to as the "Parties" acknowledge that <br />the Agricultural Land Easement is acquired to protect the agricultural use and future viability, and related <br />conservation values, of the Property by limiting nonagricultural uses of the Property [Alternatively: <br />protect the grazing uses and related conservation values by restoring and conserving the Property], <br />thereby preserving and protecting in perpetuity the multiple, interrelated land features which are critical to <br />agricultural lands, historic structures, archaeological resources, open space, and wildlife habitats. This <br />Agricultural Land Easement protects acres of prime, unique, or other productive soil [Alternatively: <br />grassland] which is _% of the Property [and habitat for [list species]].] [and historic /archaeological <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F -7 Page 198 <br />