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Cardinal Innovations Dashboard Report for Cabarrus County 1/24/2013 <br />FYTD Dec'12 <br />'R ri rni�er�r•Acaa sc�'r.Trcaras <br />—. .Wry AM.a x..aeY�lbn-ANW 4• -d'a <br />N umber of Consumers Served and Expenses Servicezategory continued <br />250 - -- <br />225 Distinct N umber Served by Crisis Services - Me dicaid & State Funding <br />200 <br />175 <br />i <br />150 <br />125 - -� <br />100 <br />75 - _ - <br />50 <br />25 <br />Crisis Recovery Centers Mobile Cr(sis Manag ement <br />®Medicaid FYTD11 -12 34 _ 83 <br />■Medicaid FYTD 12.13 31 62 <br />®State FYTD 11 -12 194 <br />■State FYTD 12 -13 - -- - 176 195 - - - <br />Crisis Recovery Centers are part of the Residential Service Category and includes services for Mental Health and Substance Abuse Mobile Crisis Mangement (MCM, <br />services are part of the Community Service Category <br />Innovations - Consumers Served and Costs of Services <br />r (Re a s of 114 - Source Service Data Cube) <br />Innovations Recipient - Number Served <br />175 <br />150 r --- <br />125 <br />100 <br />75 <br />50 <br />25 <br />0 <br />$700,000 <br />$600000 <br />$500:000 <br />$400000 <br />$300000 <br />$200,000 <br />$100000 <br />Innovations Recipients - Costs of Service <br />Attachment number 1 <br />Page 5 of 6 <br />1 -1 Page 180 <br />Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec <br />-- EFY - 12 ■FY12 - 13 <br />Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec <br />■FY11 -12 - EFY12 -13 <br />