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Cabarrus County Zoning Ordinance <br />Chapter 2 -Rules of Construction and Definitions <br />TRAIL HEAD - Area specifically designated for accessing a trail. <br />TRUCKING AND HEAVY EQUIPMENT, SALES AND SERVICE - A commercial facility for the <br />maintenance of trucks or their sale, rental or lease, including the sale, rental or lease of heavy <br />equipment. <br />TRUCKING EQUIPMENT COMPANY, HEAVY EQUIPMENT COMPANY, DISPATCH FACILITY WITH <br />STORAGE - A commercial facility for the dispatch of trucks or heavy equipment which includes <br />the storage of such equipment on site between jobs. <br />TRUCK STOP, TRUCK TERMINAL - A facility which accommodates the trucking industry by <br />providing fueling stations, weigh stations, restaurants, convenience foods, and occasionally, <br />overnight rooming accommodations. These facilities are typically located near state, federal or <br />interstate highways. <br />UNDERLYING ZONING DISTRICT - A standard zoning district classification which o ffs <br />combined with an overlay district for purposes of development regulation specificity. The <br />base (underlying) district regulations shall apply unless expressly superseded by overlay <br />district provisions. <br />UPZONING - The reclassification of land from a residential to a non - residential zoning <br />district, or to a zoning district which permits greater density or intensity than the current <br />zoning classification of the property. <br />USE - The purpose or purposes for which land or a building is occupied, maintained, <br />arranged, designed, or intended. <br />USE, APPROVED - Any use that is ur y be lawfully established in a particular district <br />provided that it conforms with all requirements of these regulations for the district in which <br />such use is located. <br />USE, VARIANCE - A variance as to the permissible use of land. A use variance is not <br />permitted under North Carolina law. <br />UTILITY USE - Se ublic Service Facility <br />VARIANCE - A relaxation of the terms of this Ordinance where such variance will not be <br />contrary to the public interest and, where, owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not <br />the result of actions or the situation of the applicant, a literal enforcement of the Ordinance <br />would result in unnecessary and undue hardship. A variance is authorized only for the <br />dimensional controls of this Ordinance. Establishment or expansion of a use otherwise <br />prohibited shall not be permitted by a variance. <br />VESTED RIGHT - The right to undertake and complete the development and use of property <br />under the terms and conditions of an approved site specific development plan or an <br />approved phased development plan for a specified time, regardless of changes in this <br />Ordinance. <br />VETERINARIAN - A person rendering surgical and medical treatment to animals which may <br />include overnight accommodations for the animals for purposes of recovery or boarding. <br />Crematory facilities shall not be allowed as part of a veterinarian office or establishment. <br />Chapter 2 Page 28 of 29 <br />Revised 2013 <br />Attachment number 2 <br />G -1 Page 315 <br />