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Cabarrus County Zoning Ordinance <br />Chapter 8- Conditional Uses <br />c. The following accessory uses may be permitted as incidental to, and limited to the <br />patrons of, the principal use: <br />• Playground <br />• Refreshment stands or booths, and /or <br />• Souvenir stands or booths. <br />d. In the event the facility abuts residentially used or zoned property, Level Two <br />buffering must be implemented. <br />23. Recreational Therapy Facility, Rural Setting <br />Agricultural Open and Countryside Residential districts <br />a. A complete description of the facility including but not limited to: <br />1. Types of events, days and hours of operation <br />2. Projected number of users per weekday and weekend days, with the <br />maximum number expected at any one event <br />3. Client profile: projected client enrollment, years of enrollment, age of clients, <br />etc. <br />4. Description of curriculum /treatment methods <br />5. Total number of employees, both full -time and part -time (including <br />volunteers) <br />6. Evidence that the facility has achieved certification from a nationally <br />recognized organization in each therapeutic field of choice <br />7. Site plan showing layout of all buildings, parking areas, landscape, buffers, <br />play areas, barns, riding trails, abutting properties and the land use for these <br />properties, impervious area calculations, water bodies, etc. <br />8. Types of accessory structures used or envisioned to be used on the site <br />9. Building elevations <br />10. Any and all other relevant informatin that will help describe the facility <br />b. The site shall contain at least twenty -five' (25) acres <br />c. The parcel must have frontage on a major or minor thoroughfare. Proposed access <br />points must be approved by NCDOT. <br />d. Building height and other dimensional requirements for new construction shall be <br />governed by the zoning district in which the property is located. New construction <br />must meet commercial design standards. <br />e. All structures, viewing areas, seating areas, etc. shall be set back at least 100 feet <br />from any property line. All animal enclosures must be 150 feet from parcel boundary <br />lines. <br />f. All access ways shall be adequately lighted. Outdoor lights must be shielded to direct <br />light and glare only onto the facilities' premises, but may be of sufficient intensity to <br />encourage security and safety. Lighting and glare must be deflected, shaded and <br />focused away from any adjoining properties. <br />g. Maximum permitted noise levels may be established in order to protect adjacent <br />properties. Any such requirement will be made a part of the conditional use permit <br />which may also specify the measures to be taken to control noise, including but not <br />limited to muting, special landscape treatment and berms. <br />h. A Level Two Buffer yard is required when the Recreational Therapy use abuts a <br />residential use. However, if residential dwellings are located 200 feet or greater from <br />the property line, buffering shall not be required. See Chapter 9, Landscaping and <br />Buffer Requirements. <br />Chapter 8 Page 16 of 33 <br />Revised August, 2013 <br />Attachment number 4 <br />G -1 Page 366 <br />