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GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA <br />SESSION F <br />SESSION LAW 2013 -358 <br />SEDATE BILL 380 <br />AN ACT TO CREATE THE CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT <br />COMMISSION UNDER THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE. <br />The General Assembly of North Carolina enacts: <br />SECTION 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "Charlotte Douglas <br />International Airport Commission Act." <br />SECTION 2. S.L. 2013 -272 is repealed. <br />SECTION 3. Chapter 5 of the Charter of the City of Charlotte, being S.L. 2000 -26, <br />is amended by adding a new Article to read: <br />"ARTICLE III. CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT COMMISSION. <br />"Section 5.51. Charlotte Douglas International Airport Commission. <br />There is created the Charlotte Douglas International Airport Commission, which shall be an <br />agency of the City, having the powers, authority, and jurisdiction set out in this Article and <br />such other and additional powers and authority as shall be conferred upon it by future acts of <br />the General Assembly. <br />"Section 5.52. Definitions. <br />Unless the context requires otherwise, the following definitions apply throughout this <br />Article to the defined words and phrases and their cognates: <br />(1) "Airport" means Charlotte Douglas International Airport in Mecklenburg <br />County. <br />(2) "Airport Facilities" means airport facilities of all kinds, including, but not <br />limited to, landing fields, hangars, fixed -base operations, shops, restaurants <br />and catering facilities, terminals, buildings, automobile parking facilities, <br />and all other facilities necessary, beneficial, and /or helpful for the landing, <br />taking off, operating, servicing, repairing, and parking of aircraft, the <br />loading, unloading, and handling of cargo and mail, express and freight, and <br />the accommodation, convenience, and comfort of crews and passengers, <br />together with related transportation facilities, all necessary, beneficial, <br />and /or helpful appurtenances, machinery, and equipment, and all lands, <br />properties, rights, easements, and franchises relating thereto and considered <br />necessary, beneficial, and /or helpful by the Commission in connection <br />therewith. <br />(3) "Airport Property" means all the real property and improvements thereto <br />designated as airport property on the Airport Layout Plan or Airport <br />Development Plan of the Airport conditionally approved by the FAA on <br />February 13, 2013. <br />(4) "Appointing Authorities" means the entities described in Section 5.24 of this <br />Charter who are empowered to appoint members of the Commission and <br />referred to collectively as "Appointing Authorities and individually as <br />"Appointing Authority." <br />(5) "Commission" means the Charlotte Douglas International Airport <br />Commission created by this Article or, if such Commission is abolished or <br />otherwise ceases to exist, the authority, board, body, commission, or other <br />entity succeeding to the principal functions thereof. <br />(6) "FAA" means the Federal Aviation Administration or any successor agency. <br />(7) "Member" means an individual who is appointed to the Commission, as <br />provided by this Article. <br />H -1 Page 437 <br />