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Agency Name <br />Community Services Block Grant Program <br />Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Application for Funding <br />One -Year Work Program <br />Form 212 (continued) <br />10. Use the tables below to enter your agency's projected outcome results (targets). The outcome <br />measures will be included in the agency's CSBG contract. <br />All CSBG grantees operating self - sufficiency projects are required to complete Table 1. All CSBG <br />grantees operating non self - sufficiency projects are required to enter applicable outcomes in the <br />Table 2. If your agency operates more than one non self - sufficiency project, please add tables as <br />needed. There should be one table of outcome measures per project. <br />Table 1 <br />Outcome Measures for Self-Sufficiency Projects <br />Project Name: <br />Expected to Achieve the <br />Outcome in Reporting Period <br />( Target ) <br />Outcome Measures <br />Number of persons served <br />110 <br />The number of low- income families rising above the poverty level <br />17 <br />The average change in annual income per participant family <br />in whole #'s <br />$14,000 <br />The number of participants obtaining employment <br />12 <br />The number of participants obtaining jobs with medical benefits <br />5 <br />The participant average wage rate <br />$9.00 <br />The number of participants completing educationAraining programs <br />10 <br />The number of participants securing standard housing <br />5 <br />The number of participants provided emergency assistance <br />60 <br />Table 2 <br />Outcome Measures for Non Self- Suff iciencv Proiects <br />Project Name: Expected to Achieve the <br />Outcome in Reporting Period <br />Outcome Measures .T____.% <br />Number of persons served <br />Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Community Services Block Grant Application <br />Page 18 of 24 Attachment number 1 <br />F -7 Page 196 <br />