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Agency Name <br />OEO Form 225N -The Budget Narrative <br />Item D escription <br />Section III-Budget Summar - <br />Indirect Cost Rate I nformation <br />Se ction IV- Salary and Wages <br />Staff Names and Positions Denisha Torrence- Assistant CSBG Director (100% CSBG; <br />Yvonne Moore -Case Manager I (100% CSBG) <br />Joe Mingo -Case Manager II (100% CSBG) <br />John Joe -Case Manager Ili (100% CSBG) <br />Dione Adkins -Case Manager IV (100% CSBG) <br />Chaquita Brown -Case Manager V (100% CSBG) <br />_ <br />Ray Charleston -IT Director ;_2.0 % CS_BG; <br />Secti IV_a -Bud et Support Data <br />F ringe Benefits <br />r Communications <br />ent <br />Casts <br />Travel <br />Supp Materials <br />Addre <br />Service Description <br />Payme Arrangemen <br />Sub- contractor <br />'DBA if ap_plicabl� <br />Address/Phone <br />S ecti on IVb- Budget Support Data <br />Section IVc -Bu et Support Data <br />Sectio I Vd- Budge Suort Data - Contractual <br />Community Action Primary Contact Vicki Heidinger <br />t Opp rtun ities 1 Exe cutive Director <br />25 Gaston Street Asheville, NC 28801 828- 252 -2495 = <br />AR4CA is a data base program used to monitor, document, and track progress of the � <br />Self Sufficiency Program. <br />- <br />$2,300.00 per year � Contract Duration I July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013 <br />I Service Descrip <br />Payment Arrangem <br />Client Servi <br />Other <br />Primary Contact <br />Contract Duration <br />Section_ IVe -Bud et Support Data <br />Fiscal Year 2012 -13 Community Services Block Grant Application <br />Page 23 of 24 <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F -7 Page 201 <br />