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THE INDEPENDENT TRIBUNE <br />January 4, 2012 <br />Public <br />This is to inform the public that a public hear <br />bled Program Grant Application to be submitte <br />no later than January 27, 2012. The public heai <br />the Cabarrus County Board of Commissioners <br />mental center, 65 Church Street SE in Concord. <br />if reasonable accommodations are needed, pl <br />920 -2100 at least 48 hours prior to the public he <br />ujuui. <br />Total Funding 1 <br />acing Notice <br />I will be held for the proposed 5310 Elderly '& Disa- <br />to the North Carolina Department of Transportation <br />g will be held on January 17, 2012 at 6130 PM before <br />n the commissioners' meeting room at the Govern- <br />3e contact Tony Harris, the ADA Coordinator at 704 <br />ng. <br />>igned to meet the special needs of elderly individu <br />i,a„ 1 gin» - hunp Rn' 7ma <br />Total Local Share <br />County Transportation Office located at 28 <br />ugh Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. Written <br /> before January 17, 2012. <br />Aviso de audiencla publlca <br />i es pars informar al p6blico gue se celebrara una audiencla p6blica para el 531( <br />especiaiez� ue iaa Pei nuuaa ai w,anaa y Ncwvnaa u , . <br />Importe estimado total sollcitado para el perlodo 01 de iulio de 2012 - 30 de junio de 2014. <br />Proyecto Importe total cu ota Local <br />Capital (veh(culos) 175,800 $17,580 (10 %) <br />Operativos 822 427 411,213 (50 %) <br />Total del proyecto 998 227 428 793 <br />Total financiaci6n Total cuota Local de solicitud <br />Esta aplicacl6n, ppuede controlarse en la Oficina de transporte de condado Cabarrus situado a 28 ' <br />Branchview umdad de NE, Concord NC 28025 de 8:00 a 17. del tunes al viernes. Comentarios por <br />escrito deben dirigirse a crbassC cabarruscounty. antes del 17 de enero de 2012. <br />PUBLISH: January 4th 2012 <br />Attachment number 2 <br />G -2 Page 238 <br />