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Prepared by and Return to Concord City Attorney, ROD Box <br />STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA) PIN 4 5650 -20 -5316 <br />Permanent Public Utility Easement and <br />COUNTY OF CABARRUS ) Temporary Construction Easement <br />The undersigned Grantor, Cabarrus County, a Body Politic and Political Subdivision of the <br />State of North Carolina in consideration of payment to the Grantor the sum of One Dollar, ($1.00), <br />the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and <br />release unto the City of Concord, a North Carolina Municipal Corporation ( "Grantee "), its <br />successors, assigns and licensees the right, privilege, permanent easement to enter and re -enter at any <br />time and to install, dig, build, erect, maintain, repair, rebuild, operate, and patrol one or more potable <br />water public utilities, over ground or underground, including but not limited to, the right to install <br />water pipes and related appurtenances; the right to clear the easement and keep it clear of brushes, <br />trees, buildings and obstructions; and the right to remove trees, if any, located beyond the limits of <br />the easement, but which interfere with the easement; the above described rights being incident to <br />performance by the Grantee of its functions as a municipality or as the operator of any public utilities <br />system, or the performance by any licensee of the Grantee of any public utilities functions, the <br />premises being located in No. 11 Township, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, and described in the <br />metes and bounds description below: <br />Permanent Public Utility Easement: <br />Lying and being in the City of Concord, Number 11 Township, Cabarrus County, North Carolina, <br />Being a portion of the property conveyed to Cabarrus County, a Body Politic and Political <br />Subdivision of the State of North Carolina (DB. 2685, PG. 125, Cabarrus County Registry), and <br />being more particularly described as follows: <br />To arrive at the true point of Beginning commence at NCGS Monument "Earnhardt ", said monument <br />having NAD 83 Grid Coordinates of 618008.27 feet North and 1593488.92 feet East; running thence <br />South 64 -56 -23 West 43500.37 feet (ground distance) to the Point of Beginning located in the westerly <br />line of Ronas Neal Hess as described in Deed Book 5372, Page 93 of the Cabarrus County Register of <br />Deeds; and running thence from said Point of Beginning with the westerly line of said Ronas Neal <br />Hess South 39 -52 -00 East 24.58 feet (L1) to a point in the northerly margin of NC Highway 49; thence <br />with the northerly margin of said NC Highway 49 South 60 -49 -11 West 693.41 feet (L2) to a point; <br />thence with a line the following seven (7) courses and distances: 1) North 58 -02 -59 East 122.60 feet <br />Attachment number 1 <br />F -2 Page 34 <br />