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Elma C. Lomax Community Garden Proposal <br />March 2012 <br />For the purposes of <br />1. Strengthening the Elma C. Lomax Farm Incubator by developing additional volunteers, <br />community supporters, and community linkages; <br />2. Strengthening the Elma C. Lomax Farm Incubator adding an additional revenue stream for <br />operating cost; <br />3. Providing opportunities for community garden allotments that allow food production, and <br />education for new gardeners, and; <br />4. Strengthening charitable contributions of local food. <br />We propose a community garden be established at Elma C. Lomax Farm Incubator. <br />This garden is to be located in farm plots B, C, and D, which and consists of two parts. The first <br />section is to be io feet by io feet plots leased to individuals on an annual basis for a fee of $32 <br />(calculated as 1 penny per square foot per week for a 32- week season). The second section is a <br />larger area (roughly 6,000 square feet) that is leased to a group that will grow food for charitable <br />donations to Central United Methodist Church Outreach, Cooperative Christian Ministries <br />and /or Mt Pleasant Food Ministry. The fee on the charitable food area will be determined <br />annually. Fees are to be paid upon acceptance to the garden. The community garden would be <br />marked with 5 feet sections of conduit driven 1 foot in the ground at the corner of each plot. <br />These gardeners will receive access to a fertile gardening site in full sun with irrigation and deer <br />fencing. Gardeners will be responsible for all management decisions in their plot, including <br />what crops to grow (within guidelines), and when to plant, weed or irrigate. Gardeners would <br />also have access to the front parking lot and to bathrooms in the office building. Gardeners <br />would not have access to a storage container. They will be asked not to enter the post - harvest <br />handling facility, high tunnel, or greenhouse unless as a guest of Cabarrus county or at the <br />invitation of a participant in the Elma C Lomax Farm Incubator program. <br />As part of the application process, gardeners will fill out an application. The application will <br />include an agreement to follow certain guidelines: The application is attached. <br />Garden spots will be limited to of the io by io feet plots for the first year to work out any <br />difficulties. The eventual goal is 75 plots, which would generate about $2,000 annually or <br />roughly 12% of operational expenses. Charitable garden spot is to be reduced as new io by io <br />plots are needed. This group expects another property to become available within 2 years, <br />although there is another spot on the Lomax farm (plot KK) that could be developed if <br />necessary. <br />Attachment number 2 <br />F -7 Page 124 <br />