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Public Schools of North Carolina <br />[Qualified School Construction Bonds Program (QSCB) <br />PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />LEA Caban Countv Schools <br />School CC Griffin Middle School <br />Project Description: Provide a brief narrative that describes the project being applied for. <br />Servers, Switches, Wireless, Wiring <br />The servers at CC Griffin were updated in 2006. The switches were installed in 2002 <br />and are 10 years old. They need updating. We plan on virtualizing the servers at the <br />Government Center. The average life of a switch is 7 to 10 years. The school network <br />has to be updated. Wiring needs to be updated, as well as making sure it meets code <br />and IT standards. Wireless access points will be installed. <br />Attachment number 2 <br />G -3 Page 177 <br />